Ana Vidovic's Daily Routine With The Classical Guitar

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Ana Vidovic shares a glimpse into what her normal day with the classical guitar looks like, including why she still practices scales, how she works on repertoire, and more! She also gives advice for aspiring professionals who are just starting a career in music.

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Supercharge your technique by bringing the daily exercises of a GFA winner into your practice routine. Download Vladimir Gorbach's 'Daily Technique Workout' PDF to get started!


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It’s really important to know what the masters do behind the scenes . This is really helpful for musicians who don’t have a mentor, trying to make it on their own . Thank you !


The last thing she said is the most important to me: “challenge yourself everyday”. Every guitarist finds their own perfect daily routine someday, but to challenge ourselves is the one thing we have in common - along with the passion to make music.


I am grateful for every minute of Ms. Vidovic's practice. Absolute legend.


I am a SELF-TAUGHT since the MID-1970s and only for my personal enjoyment/hobby utilizing the METHODS of Andres Segovia, and the Christopher Parkening books, Carulli/Sor STUDIES.
Thanks for Sharing this ANA, You are one of the World's Few GrandMasters of the Guitar.


Thanks so much!
Feeling so fortunate to hear this virtuoso share her thoughts with us. What an extraordinary musician she is. We are all so lucky to have this online from you.


It's only personal but if you want to be a creative artist, and better understand the music you play and the creative process behind it, I would definitely recommend adding improvisation into your daily routine. It's something that has been sadly lost in classical tradition. Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Listz were all great improvisers.


Ana, who is a very accomplished player, is giving us here a very down to earth picture of what it takes to
achieve at such a high level.


I heard someone say we like what we give our attention to. I like guitar more and more the more I practice.


Very informative! Geez, if Ana has to work on scales daily then I sure better be!!


I didn't think Ana Vidovic prepares so much. As she is a phenomena good to know even Ana has a strict practice routine...
when I watch her I think It's so easy for her. Great interview.


I've been in her wonderful concert at Bad Aibling Saitensprünge Festival in 2019. She never lost concentration nor the audience did. Very focused but effortless - fascinating!


I was always curious about her routine, thank you so much Tonebase !


I totally agree with her that most guitarists are a bit different from other musicians in that they have obsession with the instrument, not just the music. There are many amateurs who are only doing for hobby but are very devoted. I have never come across a guitarist who is only doing it for a job, like many orchestral players I have met. It's very seldom to see guitarists who possess only one guitar; normally they have more than one, because they love it.


Very glad to hear you talk about how the stage performance is only the tip of the iceberg of the work involved. Inspires me to keep working.
I love listening to your videos, and hope this covid mess ends so that I can hear you live.


Postovana Ana, mozda me se sjecate. Upoznali smo se negdje 1998. u Rijeci, kada ste imala koncert u Guvernerovoj palaci. Dao sam vam moj, tada jos kao script, neobjavljen prijevod knjige Petera Päffgena, "Die Gitarre", "Gitara". Zagrebacki "Music play" je objavio kasnije moj prijevod. Negdje 2000. bili smo putem mobitela kratko u kontaktu u Dubrovniku. Dobro se toga sjecam. Upoznao sam se kasnije i sa vasim bratom Viktorom. Bas tada, 1998. presao sam od klasicne gitare, premda sam na gitari svirao, i jos uvijek na njoj sviram razlicite stilove, na 13-parnu baroknu lutnju. To je moja druga "dama", moja velika ljubav pored prve ljubavi, gitare.

Pozdravljam vas iz Njemacke, gdje radim kao zastitar.
Svako dobro vama i vasoj obitelji u Karlovcu.


Woooow, I admire this wonderful woman. God bless you ever Ana!


Thanks for this. Like so many greats in any venue, the discipline to practice the simple first, then use the movements to practice the complex to perfection in performance.


Super helpful and informative. The point about practicing with the score is so important. Mistakes do indeed creep up over time if you don’t practice with a score.


It appears the genuinely expressive artists are yield to the structure and discipline


Thanks Ana I am just learning the basics so I am sure lots of people can answer this. I am just focusing on reading the music and developing my Kinesthetic memory of the fret board. So I know where each note is. And my left hand fingers have to learn the combinations so I can read and play. I don't look at my left hand at all. I have found if focus my left hand position to 1st 5th 7th frets that I can memorize and play this. But I don't see other people do this. They just play from memory and look at the left hand. And I am astonished at how real musicians can remember perfectly a vast complex scores.
