hi friends.

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it's good to be home 🌻
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FREDERIC!! Welcome Back!! dont worry, inconsistency sometimes comes with being creative and im sure we all understand how you feel. im so happy for you and your home and everything !!! love ya endlessly!!!


ahhh we missed you!! it’s honestly crazy to think that I used to watch you everyday in middle school, and here i am, finalizing all of my college apps when i saw this video.


it’s crazy how your “less than three” thing helped me remember which symbol is “less than” and “more than”. i always remember it if i’m having trouble so thank you! has helped me a lot throughout the years <3


Woah we missed you! You look gorgeous!


frederic 😭😭 this is the first video of yours ive watched in YEARS. i still vividly remember watching your "drawing my coming out story" when i was HALF the age i am now. your style has developed so much and you look so beautiful! thank you so much for continuing to thrive, you really don't know how much that means to me and other people out there who grew up watching you. keep going!! take care of yourself!! make the content you love!!! most of all, live your life the way you want to. you have my (a loving stranger's) support ❤️❤️


Hey it’s good to have you back! Being creative isn’t always consistent, we all hit road blocks sometimes. What matters is that you’re happy with what you do now. I’ve been watching your videos for about 4-5 years since I realized I was genderfluid. You’ve always been a huge inspiration for creativity and expression to me, especially through makeup and fashion. I graduate highschool in about a year and a half where I’ll get my highschool diploma and an Associates in general studies due to a shit load of dual enrollment courses. Happy you’re feeling better and have found a space you can be yourself <3


welcome back! your life is yours to live, you don't need to apologize for appreciating and experiencing the things you've earned. there's a beautiful and enriching life outside of the internet, you absolutely should take every chance to live it.

I for one am stoked for more long form content though! whatever you want to make, make it, people will watch.


ahh frederic so glad to see you back!! this past august, i transferred universities and moved to LA to pursue to dreams of becoming an architectural engineer and I am loving every day. I would loove to see some LA content from you, but look forward to anything and everything you do in the future!


"don't worry i'm not leaving" thank you for saying this but also wouldn't blame you for taking a break lmao


i’ve been watching you almost since the start and as I’m about to enter my 20s you’re still one of my favorite Youtubers not for your consistency because of your sincerity watching you grow into every new phase of your life just inspires me to try and live the best life that I can for myself because I know coming from a lower class minority family can be and will always be hard but no matter what you always try your best and stay true yourself and I admire that. <3


im glad youre doing so good now!! ive always loved your long form videos so im very excited for whats to come also i love your hair like this it looks so good


so glad you're doing well, frederic!!! we love youu


I'm really glad to have you back!!!I watched you all the time from middle school to high school (actually I'm still in high school, but It's coming to a close), and I've been missing your long form content, so I'm glad to have you back! (Also your makeup and your hair and your everything makes me want to explode, it looks really really good)


hope your okay❤️


Fredric your content means the world to me! As for what’s happened in the last year? I’ve finally come to terms with my sexuality, and chose to be unlabeled! i couldn’t never thank you enough for giving me that community and a safe place to just be queer when i didn’t really have that place in person. I’ve gotten out of the mental hospital and out of psychiatric treatment💕 it’s been a hell of a ride to get where i am and i’ve been a creative slump the last few months which had led to me not being in the best state. I’m in a space where i can’t come out so your channel has always been a space of love and support! Being able to just be me with no pressure and to like live what i love! But seeing you again and how good your doing makes it all the better! You’ve always been a real one on youtube and when i watch your stuff i feel like im having a conversation with my wine aunt! Thank you for your content over the years and i’m so happy your in such a good spot you deserve it😍


Honestly I love long form content and am so excited to see what you do in this new phase! Anyway, I'm way long out of college, being 54 years old! But working on my passion projects and helping my elderly rescue dog live her best life. <3


Do NOT apologize for living your life, you're amazing and deserve to be happy, I'm glad you're back tho♡


OMG UR BACKKK 🥳. Happy you are in a better place now <3


I first discovered you in my 11th year in school right before Covid and I’m happy to say I’m about to graduate college next week and still a huge fan of you and your work. Thank you for everything and I’m excited to see you post again!!!!


I’m so glad you’re back!!! For a while you’ve been my favorite Youtuber, and my biggest inspiration. Not just for fashion, but for art and self expression. I’m hoping to come out as non-binary to my cousins this holiday season, and I’m more comfortable with myself than ever. And honestly, a lot of that can be attributed to you, so THANK YOU, Frederic, thank you for being here <3
