3 Big Questions to Know If You're a Nice Guy!

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Being a nice guy is commendable, but ensuring that your kindness is genuine and not driven by expectations of receiving something in return is crucial. It would help to be aware of these questions to know if you're a nice guy to evaluate your actions and motivations. Pay attention to this dating advice to know if you're a nice guy.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Questions to know if you’re a nice guy
- How to know if you’re a nice guy
- Nice guy
- Nice guy syndrome
- Dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you clarity the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video, "3 Big Questions to Know If You're a Nice Guy!"


Resources ❤

Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


You may also like: courtenay ryan, joyanima, emilywking, sadia psychology (sadia kahn), dr. orion taraban


#QuestionsToKnowIfYoureANiceGuy #NiceGuy #NiceGuySyndrome #TheNiceGuy #HowToKnowIfYoureANiceGuy #NiceGuyTraits #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #DatingTips #Wingmam
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Healthy boundaries are attractive in a person. Dont be a pushover all the time. Goes for everyone. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle a no. Best to find out sooner rather than later.


I'm A Good Guy! There's a difference


Why are only men expected to be nice to people without expecting anything in return? 🤔


there is always a level of trade offs; honesty is the best way to act or react; we always liked to be liked


This is an answer to “Nice Guys Finish Last”. They were not so nice after all and as someone who is married to one this information is spot on. They act nice but are not so kind when they don’t get what they want.


Anna Jorgenson has changed my life for the better. I appreciate her work.


I have met women in this predicament as well.


1. At least or most a Thank You,
Nothing More, Nothing Less.
2. No. It doesn't matter at all.
3. Positive (It's all good). If it's not good for either one then who cares. Move on. There's always someone better to associate with over the horizon.


1) I expect only a smile, and that's if it was an overt action.
2) If I'm just being honest, then no it didn't matter. If I'm being vulnerable, then yes I am worried about her reaction, because a bad reaction would imply that she doesn't actually like me. 3) I wouldn't expect to be the single thing that makes her happiest, any more than I would expect that of her, but it would hurt a little if I wasn't near the top on her list of things that make her happy.

Nice guy? Probably...


i used to be a nice guy. now i am a bitter, angry, resentful, screwed over person, who wants revenge on courts, schools, and two ex-wives. welcome to me. be very careful


Good stuff lol. First one dont care if i get anything in return. But i might be selfless to a fault. Second her responses would likely be angry and irrational so i do tend to avoid some of the harder truths. And third i would feel positive. For me i dont care if someone is in to me or not. Its all personal preference etc.


I can't do nice guy because 9 out of 10 will start feeling entitled or begin taking advantage of it and I lose interest because I myselfam expecting equal reciprocation


Most dameged, traumatized and toxic ladies dont value nice guys in dating and at the end they will fall back to wanting ti settle down with the nice guys they ones rejected. As a man you can never please a woman no matter what you do to them.. they are being controlled by their emotions/feelings than your sacrifice. Very confused folks....


Expecting something in return from her😂


This is a very thought provoking video.
It makes me glad that I don’t date.


I'm not worried about nice because I have a big package and a soft heart 💓♥


1) sex
2) I don’t care
3)I don’t care


It's difficult when you like someone and you would be happy if they liked us back


Doing nice things, selflessly, constantly, one sidedly, with no expectations of thanks or reciprocity is what i call being a willing sucker for abuse

Its going so with a hidden agenda that might put you in the „nice guy“ box.


The nice in me finally died after the last woman I tried to date, rejected me. Looking back, that was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
I armed myself with knowledge, focus on no one but my own goals, and returned back to the world a whole lot wiser.
