Transitioning from IFR to the Visual Approach

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Be sure to ask about his instructor training program.

Fly Safely - Train Often ™

The vid really didn't give any actual info for a transition, and what to expect. I've been looking for a true flying vid of the transition, and what do I need to say to the tower. also.... will ATC set me up on a long final like a normal approach? will they hand me to tower and expect me to enter the pattern like I was just a VFR flight? If that's the case.... why would the "Visual" be any different than me just canceling my IFR and contacting the tower? I've talked to so many people who are either fresh CFII's or fresh IR.... and they can't answer it either. (We don't train for the visual) I've had my IR for about a month now, and have only been asked if I wanted the visual once.... and since I didn't know what to expect, I just asked to stay with the ILS. The approach and tower at my local airport knows we are a training airport, and they won't get mad if I mess up.... but I would really like to see a start to finish approach to visual demonstration.
