How to can cranberry juice

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Equipment Needed

• Canning jars
• Lids and bands
• Large pot (for the water bath)
• Jar lifter
• Funnel
• Ladle
• Clean towels
•. Cranberries
•. Sugar


• Fresh cranberries
• Water
•. Sugar


Prepare the Cranberries

1. Sort and Rinse: Remove any stems, leaves, or damaged berries. Rinse the cranberries thoroughly under cold water.

Prepare the Jars

2. Sanitize Jars: Wash jars in hot soapy water or run them through a dishwasher cycle. Keep them hot until ready to use.
3. Prepare Lids: Soak the canning lids in hot (not boiling) water for a few minutes to soften the sealing compound.

Making the juice

4. Fill the jars with 1 1/2 cups of cranberries & 1/2 cup of sugar.

Step 5. Add boiling water leaving 1 inch headspace

Step 6. Wipe the Rims: Use a clean towel to wipe the rims of the jars to remove any residue.

7. Apply Lids and Bands: Place the lids on the jars and screw on the bands until they’re fingertip-tight.

Water Bath Processing

8. Prepare the Water Bath: Fill a large pot with enough water to cover the jars by at least an inch. Bring the water to a boil. With a splash of vinegar.

10. Process the Jars: Using the jar lifter, carefully lower the jars into the boiling water. Cover the pot and process for 15 minutes for quart jars, adjusting for altitude if necessary.

Cool the Jars

11. Remove Jars: After processing, use the jar lifter to carefully remove the jars from the water bath and place them on a clean towel or cooling rack.

12. Cool Completely: Allow the jars to cool for 12-24 hours. Do not touch the lids during this time.

Check Seals

13. Check Seals: After cooling, ensure that the lids are sealed properly. The center of the lid should be indented. If any jars haven’t sealed, refrigerate them and use within a few days.


14. Label and Store: Label the jars with the date and store them in a cool, dark place. Properly sealed jars can last for up to a year.

Enjoy your homemade cranberry juice after 2 weeks!
Рекомендации по теме

I just opened mine up from 2022 and it tasted so good. I did it because I was not been able to find just plain cranberry juice in the stores anywhere. Thanks for sharing 😊


Hi!! I love your videos! Do you have a pantry tour video? Would love to see all your hard work!!


I used a steam juicer and got just and turned the pulp into cranberry sauce


What do you do with fruit after drinking juice?


Hi Cara, I follow both your YouTube and your Facebook.... Did your Facebook get hacked?
