VOL or VOTT?!!

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From audioxpress VOTT post -
"Phase Coherency-
These systems are intended to be listened to at a distance, in a wide and fairly flat room with a tapered floor, so that most of the listeners are in the same vertical plane as the speaker. They might be a bit higher or lower if they are seated in the front or back rows but they won’t be too far off. As a consequence, the phase coherency in the horizontal plane was not something about which the designers of these speakers ever cared.

Right on-axis, the listener has the same distance to both the woofer and tweeter horns, but move substantially up or down and this changes. Several feet of distance between the woofer and the tweeter in most of the Altec models makes this a very serious problem for use outside of a theater.

The A-7 was available with an inverted configuration where the high-frequency horn could be mounted inside the bass horn instead of being mounted on top of the box. Although still far from a coaxial design, this gave much better phase coherence and is a huge improvement in an environment where listeners may not be on the same horizontal plane as the loudspeakers.

Any A-7 being used today should be set up as an inverted cabinet with the horn mounted within the box. Not only does this make it more rugged and roadable, but the phase alignment is far better. Unfortunately, the other Voice of the Theatre systems do not permit this configuration. In all cases, the horn/woofer alignment needs to be adjusted for the room so that the acoustic centers of both have the same distance to the listener in the middle of the room. The procedure for doing this can be found in the manuals."

This is what I wanted to highlight in my comment by mentioning "designed for THEATER" nearly similar to the 1st top comment. All those forum guys missed this simple fact.


Love mmy A7 VOTT powered by ST-120 with KT-88s ❤


I once set up my version of an 817 cab. with two 515 GHP's, an MR94A horn and a 288 driver, with two 902 high frequency drivers with the small MR horns. We sat no more than 12 ft. away. We were amazed at how well the horns blended. We were listening for just that.


Yes! That’s what Altec 604 duplex drivers are for.


But a distances of minimum 4m.(12ft.) is correct!


Hi Janos,
I found that ‘audiophile’ fuses have quite significant impact on the sound quality.
I understand the idea behind it, yet I have two interesting questions about it:

1. The fuse direction really matters, how is this possible with AC? Meaning one way sounds better.

2. SR purple fuses sound so bizarrely good, that I suspect bypassing the fuse holder sounds less good.
Now they advertise with quantum technology etc, is it possible that such a fuse functions as something active element? Which is related to question 1.?


I dont agree as I use A5 VOTs in nearfield. The Altec 1505b and other crossovers than the Altec standard theater crossovers are really the key that make this possible. I also have Altec 604-8Gs in 620 cabinet clones for comparison.


Im posting here hoping someone kind enough to advice me. I have a choice to purchase the Altec Lansing Model 19 and a Altec Lansing A5C/MRII594A ( a so called home version). My listening position is between 10feet up to a maximum of 12feet (with 2 feet distance to the back wall). Which model should I choose? I need to decide fast before these speakers are taken by someone else. Thank you in advance


Correction, you do not angle the 1505 or the other sector horns! That’s taken care of as beeing sector horns…


I’m kicking myself in the rear every time I see or hear about vott A7. Just last week may 1 24 original working pair sold for $600 USD 15 miles from me. Contacted the seller, 1st come 1st serve, the other guy beat me there by 30 minutes. Talk about incredible deal and perhaps lifetime disappointment.
