Live Q&A with Gov. Greg Abbott on Texas' next steps for COVID-19

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On Wednesday, Gov. Greg Abbott joined KXAN News to address these possibilities in Austin and to answer some of your questions.
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if u look deep into greg's left eye you can tell he is not entirely happy with himself for being such a liar and killing so many people. Enjoy your power now Greg, you may have to account for your actions after you die and I don't think you'll be able to handle it.


Give tickets to those who do not comply!


Keep enjoying working from the safety of your home Abbott while we all go back to work and put ourselves and our families at risk bcuz we can’t afford to lose our jobs. Apparently 1 death is too many, but thousands is completely fine enough to keep the state open


Them why did you play games in regards to masks and local authorities and then decide to issue mask mandate after Texas hit crises mode? It doesn't make sense to wait if you know it works. If you had done it from the beginning hundreds of deaths could and probably would have been avoided. The fed gov put up guidelines to follow and Texas did not meet all the requirements of the gateway to go to phase one. So we certainly didn't meet any of the criteria to move on to more reopening phases. I pray that it's not to late and the mask mandate works, but I fear we might be past the point of no return.


Omg this governor is just not making sense


Governor says use mask to prevent State close down of think it’s you’re economy THAT YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT! You are loosing
