How to gathering information of particular sites|company's using Recon-ng Framework v5 OSINT part-1

Показать описание
Recon-ng v5 is a full-featured reconnaissance framework designed with the goal of providing a powerful environment to conduct open source web-based reconnaissance quickly and thoroughly.

full commands which is i used to gether all information in recon-ng
1. recon-ng === to start recon terminal
2. workspaces list ==to see the workspaces
3. workspaces create your-workspace-name
4. help === to see all commands to use thet on our work spaces
5. db insert domains ==== i set my target to collect internet related details
):- this site is iam testing for agreement

you can set anything below modules acording of ur att.....

companies | hosts | ports | vulnerabilitiescontacts | leaks | profiles
credentials | locations | pushpins | domains | netblocks | repositories

6. show domains === to check thet we have successfully setted or not
7. marketplaces search
8. marketplaces search whois_pocs
9. marketplaces install recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs
10. modules load
11. modules load recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs
12. run

after it genrate the report and download it to any form as u like
.html , .csv , .json , .xml

13. back
14. marketplaces search reporting
15. marketplaces install reporting/html
16. modules load reporting/html
17. info
18. options set creator set-ur-name
19. options set customer set-cutomar
21. run

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