The cube in Fig. has edge length 1.40 m and is oriented as shown in a region of uniform electric

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The cube in Fig. has edge length 1.40 m and is oriented as shown in a
region of uniform electric field. Find the electric flux through the right face if
the electric field, in newtons per coulomb, is given by (a)

(d) What is the total flux through the cube for each field?

Gauss' law states that the electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the total charge inside divided by ε0. Charges are the source and sinks of the electric field.

The electric field is a vector field. It is a quantity with magnitude and direction defined at every point in space. Another example of a vector field that is easier to visualize is the velocity of water in a stream. The flux of a vector field through a surface area is the amount of whatever the field represents passing through the area. The total flux depends on strength of the field, the size of the surface area it passes through, and on how the area is oriented with respect to the field. You can think of flux as the amount of something crossing a surface. The surface is a two dimensional (real or imagined) boundary. It can be open or closed. An open surface could be a the area of a door, the area of a sheet of paper, the area of a bowl, etc. A closed surface could be the surface are of a sphere or a cube, etc. Flux is measure at a single point in time. Flux is the total amount of something crossing the surface, it is not something per unit area, etc.