Exposing Phi Beta Sigma Initiation Ritual‼️

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Hi everyone, here is part 7 of my “Greek Life Is Demonic” series. This video is exposing the demonic rituals for Phi Beta Sigma. Huge shoutout to Dorothy Denise for being obedient to The Holy Spirit and breaking down the Rituals for all of the D9 orgs! Her information is below‼️ I pray that whoever is meant to see this will see it and that you will view it with an open heart and mind.

#choosejesus #jesusislord #greeklife #sorority #fraternity #divinenine #divine9 #alphaphialpha #alphakappaalpha #kappaalphapsi #omegapsiphi #deltasigmatheta #phibetasigma #zetaphibeta #iotaphitheta #sigmas #pbs1914

Link to ritual:

Dorothy Denise’s Video:

Denouncing Videos:

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I’m a newly Made member of PBS Fall ‘23 and none of this is accurate, my love. But I guess it’s entertaining for non-greeks. GOMAB🤘🏾


As a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (PBS), I'm speaking on my experience of being initiated into PBS. As a member of PBS, I do not serve any God other than the Alpha and Omega God mentioned throughout the Bible from start to finsh. Sigma has never promoted or suggested to me that I have no savior other than my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At no point as a member of PBS to deny or not praise God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

As a member of PBS and one who went through the undergraduate process, the actual initiation ceremony process for PBS, which was written, reviewed, and approved by ALL men that were members of PBS. Nowhere within the ceremony does it mention to disregard the words of the Bible, God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

As a member of PBS and a saved and follower and believer of Jesus Christ, I question your motive to focus on Black Greek letter organizations. I'm going to assume you're not in a fraternity or sorority. PBS is fraternity for men only. It would serve your knowlede better about the organization to speak with an actual member of the organization that has been through the entire initiation process and is contributing to the organization by serving and helping communities to build them up and the people within them. I question your motive to take only the word of a woman who shouldn't have that type of information unless she went through the process, which should not happen. Membership into PBS is only for men, not for women. Sorority membership is only for women. As a man, I can't speak on the process of any sorority without the actual knowledge of their initiation process or ceremony without the testimony from an actual member of the sorority's initiation handbook. You quoted yourself in the video on AKA the scripture Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

Whether you want to see or admit, your video reviews on Black fraterniy and sorority organizations, your opinion and your judgement lacks information knowledge. As a member of PBS and true believer in God, I pray God give you a better understanding of what you're trying to speak on and at least lead you to national leaders of these organizations who can give you factual knowledge on what they believe. If the information in the bible is up for reproof, so can the information from the woman your getting your info from. Be Blessed.🙏🏾❤️


I am a member and a chapter president. I have performed or participated in many initiation ceremonies. Dogs! Dogs! She doesn't even realize whoever gave her this material is playing her. It is 2014, and she doesn't know what organization identifies with "Dogs." And Dr. Luke? If it doesn't make sense, that should be your red flag. Dr. Luke. Do you have any idea how many chapters there are in the world? According to this, every chapter would have to either have a Dr. Luke in the chapter or fly that Dr. Luke (who apparently never dies) to every chapter's initiation in the world. To the public, search for members of Divine 9 organizations who are also pastors of churches that are members of the organizations. I understand that there is the belief that there is a veil of secrecy around fraternities and sororities, and I get that. But according to this, the veil has been lifted, so there is no longer that argument. I would dare say that The D9 organizations serve more than most church members. I would ask those watching this video to ask themselves, how much does the D9 do in service of man? One of our brothers was the late Hewy P Newton, one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party. He literally died in service of our community. Also, it is probably unknown to you that the Black Panther Party started the school breakfast. Brother John Lewis was beaten, and his skull cracked for your civil rights. I could go on and on. The D9 boasts of many great and powerful members who contributed to uplifting our people, while the bible you are reading from has been used to keep our people "in our place" for centuries. At such a time as this, when we see the attacks on our people and the highest courts in the land working to roll this country back to the days of Jim Crow, you want to tell people that God has put it in your spirit to expose basically lies about D9 organizations. Again, the bible is being used to control the black people. Personally, I think you are just looking for "click" in hopes of monetizing this BS. And yeah, whoever is giving you this material is giving you the BS. GOMAB


I’m not a member of any BGLO but, I find it odd that she’s only targeting BGLO’s. If this was truly a matter of saving souls what about the non BGLO fraternities or sororities?


I pledged sigma in 2017. I won numerous awards and accolades while on the yard and loved every minute ot it. I became a Christian around the fall/winter of 2020. I no longer associate with sigma. This ritual you're reading from is outdated. Although some of this is in the current initiation ritual, a chunk of this we did not to. If you want a more accurate representation of the initiation ritual, and actually pledge process we went through (and subjected three following lines to), reach out to me.


Which one of my Bros broke her heart... baby i apologize for whatever he did to ya 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How do you open your t-shirt? I'm not a Sigma so can any of my Sigma bros explain to me how how y'all do that??


This is so odd because that stuff ain’t there… I’m curious on where she is getting this. Lol


Please do more of these, they're hilarious!! XD

I hate to burst your bubble, but the information you're sharing in this video is completely false. If you're finding "documentation" on rituals online, then I can guarantee they aren't real documents, haha! Our internal documents will never be available to the public, so I'm just gonna leave you with that.

Rather than trying to "expose" those of us in the D9 that are trying to build better communities around us, why not focus in on other things? A lot of what you were rolling your eyes for are the exact same things that go on in churches around the country. I've been to plenty of churches that have their own secrets and spew non-stop hatred to anyone outside of their congregation. Yes, every organization has their "bad apples" that will be overzealous and create a bad image, but all we can do as a people is our best to rectify those situations by either working from the top down or by completely getting rid of those that are actively trying to harm the organization's image; I'm referring to the actual definition of 'organization' here and not just D9 orgs.

I'm sorry you feel as though you were "called" to create videos to try and harm the images of those that just want to help our communities, but I do hope you can find it in your Christian heart to be a good person and stop spreading misinformation. Your second-hand information will do no good for anyone involved.


As a PROUD member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated and a PROUD Christian, I only have two things to say: 1. NONE OF THIS IS TRUE OR CORRECT 😂😂 And Second.. Whoever hurt her PLEASE apologize!


Whoever the D9 brother was that broke her heart is to blame for all this! 🤭


I bet you won’t target other fraternities, sororities and secret societies from other races. God told you to target 🎯 just us right?. I want you to answer this. I definitely want you to respond to this. If you gonna go hard…come for everyone. Again…you should respond to this.


Not sure where ur getting this information from. None of this is right!


Who you getting your information from 😂😂, your information is too false


I wonder what she might pull together if she had to be contextually accurate at all times with as little embellishment as possible. I guess speak your truth, but don’t confuse it with the truth. It’s a little attention seeking to me. Honest opinion is that there are divinity schools that people go to in order to be qualified with the ministry of a teacher. This does not apply to all, but for her this equals she is reaching. I’m just a simple person though.


Why do these people do this
I get it you don’t like black frats and sororities. Stop making stuff up. Just talk about merits of why it is not OK to join these organizations then people can decide what they want decide but to accuse an individual of participating in sacrilegious activities you are committing a greater sin


Are you going to do a video on freemasons?


As a proud Roman Catholic, I find it very interesting how nobody at mass, even the priest, say anything to me about fraternity. I’m oldest form of Christianity ✝️, nobody gives me a evil eye whenever I wear my letters to mass. People ask me questions about it more.


No secret to hide, but none of this is accurate. May I ask for your source? First and foremost in my life is my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, then my wife and kids.


As a initiated brother of Phi Beta Sigma, I can certainly say that this information is false.
