How To Create A Six Figure Fitness Business
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And so what I want to talk to you about today is that thing that has to do with your lifestyle, which is how much money should I make.
Frankly, I don't care how much money you want to make. But what I do care about is getting you there to that dollar amount. I've had people say, 'Hey, I just want to break $100,000. I've never broken $100,000 in a year.'
But what you have to start with, and this is probably the number one fitness business tip I can give you; you would think it would be marketing or sales or some fancy training method. It's not. It's about here, being prepared and getting yourself to a destination.
And what most fitness pros don't realize is they never set the GPS to a destination. Instead, they just go, 'Well, I want to be successful.' And success doesn't magically manifest itself. Success manifests itself when you work your ass off.
So we'll just start with $100,000 a year. Well, what does it take to make that? What kind of effort do I need to put in? And we want to reverse engineer that model.
Now let me ask you this. Do you know how much you have to make per month to get to $100,000 a year? That sounds like a lot of money. But if you break it down to smaller chunks, it's easier to digest.
So you need $8,000 a month to get to $100,000 in a year, right? Well, that's great. Now that's still a lot of money in one month, isn't it?
So I thought, 'Well, we've got on average 30 days in a month, and so how much do I need to make per day?' Well, look at this. Only $277 a day, right, gives you $100,000 a year. Now that's a lot easier to do, isn't it?
Think about it. If you do one-on-one personal training sessions, how many personal training sessions do you need to sell per day to do that?
But let's say you're not working 30 days in a month, that you're only able to work 20 days in a month because you want to take weekends off. Well, that's awesome. Recalculate the math. There's probably somewhere around, if it's 20 days a month, I don't know, $315, $320 a day, right?
How many personal training sessions do you have to sell? How many boot camp programs do you have to sell a day -- right -- to get to that? Is your program reoccurring monthly or every month do you have to sell more training packages? If you do, then you're screwing yourself because it is pretty damned hard to go back and sell that client over and over again because you've already built a rapport with them.
You have this friendship with them, and all of a sudden they run out of training sessions and you're like, 'Hey, look. We need to talk about you buying another block of 7, 8, 10, 12 sessions.'
Now, if you ask me, that's a complete waste of time, money, energy and effort because one -- it's an awkward conversation. I've never been a big fan of that. Number two, you don't have predictable money from that person or any of your clients for that matter because you are just kind of coasting along on the sessions that you have in the bank.
So when you sell a program to a client, make sure that program is reoccurring, right? And that is how, actually, I took my business to half a million dollars a year and that's how I've helped clients get to seven figures and above -- right -- is because we take that $277 that we sell in a day, and let's say that's a monthly program for boot camp or group training, for that matter, and now that reoccurs each and every month, right?
So in 30 days if I just sell one group training program at $277 a month, one a day for 30 days, I'm literally automatically, I never have to sell again as long as those clients stay and I train them, deliver the results that I've promised that I would deliver them, I would make $100,000 in a year, right?
And so if you want to double that or 10X it, if you want that to be a million dollars, what do you do? Because I did that math too, and you just 10X everything, right?
$8,333 a month is all you need to get to a million dollars a year, right? And then at that point, you need $2,777 a day to get to that number, right, a million dollars a year.
So it's not impossible to get there, but you have to create a destination for yourself, otherwise you can't put it in the mental GPS and that mental GPS won't ever get you there.
So I hope this really helped you out. I want you to reverse engineer the dollar amount that you want to earn in the next 12 months, and tell me what it is down in the comment box, kind of a hold-yourself-accountable method, right?