Hurdles to Wholeness - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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Wilt thou be made whole? Jesus wants you to overcome every hurdle to achieve wholeness. You were never meant to get comfortable on the porch of temporary recovery; jump the hurdle of the haven. You were never meant to be paralyzed by another person; jump the hurdle of blame. You were never meant to drown in self-doubt; jump the hurdle of faulty belief systems. Hurdles only hurt when you run into them. Are you jumping high enough to be healed? Wholeness is all in the bounce. Stop making your bed in the house of grace — leap off that porch and land into purpose!

Message: “Hurdles to Wholeness”
Scripture: John 5:1-12 (KJV)
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Date: Aug. 15, 2021

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If you rearrange the letters in “depression” you get “I pressed on.” Don’t ever give up. Your breakthrough is almost here.


Whoever is reading this, GOD knows what you are facing through, He heard your cry, He is going to deliver you. Just trust in Him.Amen♥


Hallelujah I stopped smoking weed, drinking, n doing drugs n got out of the streets only GOD could have made this possible. Once I humbled myself blessings came abundant 💪 prayer is Key 🔑 🙏 🙌


I will jump over this hurdle in Jesus name! 🙏🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥🎉


I have been stagnant for too long. I've been blaming everyone and everything instead of taking accountability. I've been sad for way too long, but no more. I am deciding to jump and live my life by faith and works. Thank you God!!!!


I decree and declare I will jump my hurdles so that my kids can jump their hurdles in the mighty name of Jesus Amen🙏🙏


Please touch and agree with me that the Lord will restore my physical strength just like He did I can leap my hurdles...thank you Jesus. I cant do it without your renewing power and strength...🔥🔥🙏🏻😪🔥🔥


I will jump my hurdle of low self esteem and shame!! Thank you Jesus for GRACE!!!!


I'm going to leap! It is time, it is time. I'm so sick and tired of being scared. I've been afraid my whole life. But today, I surrender my fears to the Lord.


The best Minister I've ever heard he touches soul in every sermon!


This was my word "I'm getting better" I'm 39 and I felt every part of this message! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 That hurtle of blame


Amen, it’s my anxiety, overthinking, worry, and doubt, not about God but myself. “cast your anxieties before the Lord”! I’m trying not to take the medication but allow my mind and body to feel the promises of the Lord! Praise the Lord, I don’t feel great but I praise you Lord and I love you! To all those with anxiety let’s pray for each other and keep going with God!


God is covering me, while He is healing me. God is protecting me, while He's healing me. Thank You for Grace, Lord Jesus.
Thank you Bishop. Well needed word


I’ll jump over every hurdle and get to wholeness for myself and my kids !!!


Yes Sir, I always forget to celebrate the small victories or give myself credit for how far i have come. How do I know? Because I feel a warrior shining through my chest when i do remember where I've been. And man do I love praising God for how far he has brought me. 🙏


O am a living testimony. God delivered me from drugs and alcohol. I'm in Nursing school and a supervisor at a enormous stadium here in Houston. I feel so much better about myself and although I still have some soso days I know for a fact God is here for me.


This sermon pulled all my edges out then dragged me on the floor and I am so grateful 😭❤️. This was so good!


I will jump my hurdles so that my kids can jump theirs👌🏾🙏🏾


It's the timing of your sermons.. That's how I know it's God. He's always on time. I'm stepping into a season that requires me to leap. God has been edging me along but soon I'll have to jump. He's been whispering daily and correcting my thinking. This is only confirmation. Thank you for the word and your commitment to His call.


😭😭🙌🏻🙌🏻 nearly 13 years ago I ran in deep anguish and disobedience to waiting for God’s promise over me to come to pass after waiting for 8 yrs for the other half and seeing something that nearly destroyed me.. simply put because I couldn’t believe that God would have had me wait for 8 yrs just to have my heart torn to shreds. I ran because that was too unbearable for my mind to comprehend. I made a choice that then kept me chained.. comfortable but a slave to pain for 12 more years.. all the while standing for His promise to still come to pass but not correcting the single act of disobedience until last year. I came face to face with Jesus and knew I could run no longer or stay a slave to my pain. While it may have been comfortable it was the loneliest I’ve ever been … living years held captive and silenced while not actually being alone yet untouched/protected, shielded by His grace. Comfortable but miserable. Familiar but torture. A prison within a prison. The devil is a liar. It was never too late for freedom, I kept delaying obedience because of the enemies tricks to keep me from all God promised by staying focused on what I saw vs what God said. This very scripture along with one other permeated through my soul for months as I allowed grace to be just what I needed to set me free. Not too much, I needed to feel the pain as I was coming out.. it was the only way for me to know I was healing. Healing from abandonment and rejection that are part of a long generational line of crud that I was destined to fight through. Yes, the grace I wanted was just enough to remove the pain from the wounds being touched but not enough for me NOT to feel the stinging and burning. Freedom comes through obedience. I could no longer be a enslaved to the offense. I had to receive the offense so I then could accept the remedy. The remedy was freedom from the offense. Sometimes you need to MOVE ie GET UP first before those chains break off. The devil may have tried keeping me chained by fear but it was me that actually kept myself there by refusing to GET UP so I could be made whole again. Someone once told me that restraint can be a stronghold, and it’s true.. RESTRAINTS really CAN be a stronghold.. There are little to no words to explain what ensued from standing up and being obedient, but I knew I could not be made whole and see the promises God has spoken over me come to pass unless I first took those painful steps. I remember it so vividly. The first few months, my already 24/7 perpetual darkness became even darker. I wept, wailed, cried out so much and so deeply I was sure my soul was actually bleeding. It was the tearing away of the layers of time that had passed (nearly 20 years this year) and all that got wrapped up in each layer that made it so painful. The loss of time. I feel a lot like Sarah, just even more so I believe as I wait still. All I know is, I don’t want to abuse His grace.. I need it every single solitary day and He knows that.. I believe that is why I am in the level I am in presently and directed me to face all my deepest wounds and to embrace my assignment in utter total trust in Him and all He has spoken to me and shown me. It’s bigger than me.. His purpose is bigger then my deepest wounds. I don’t know how or when it will all come to pass, but I do know because I have seen His faithfulness that what He speaks MUST come to pass and serve the greater purpose it to which it was intended. I believe we are not intended to linger in a constant need for habitual grace. Perhaps this is where trust in the promises spoken to us comes into factor. Freedom comes through obedience. Every single step of obedience is an act of faith that accumulates and builds a foundation for His glory to shine through all the crud it takes from us as we sow in the crushing and pruning. It all served a purpose to create wine in us for Him to shine. The glory all His!
