Super7 Ultimates! G.I. JOE Wave 2 LADY JAYE Action Figure Review

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Brian Flynn from super 7 in an interview said that they shipped these wave of figures not painted and they don’t know what happened. I like these figures so I hope they fix this issue. Thank for the review


Sweet lord, thank god I cancelled my POs on these figures after seeing the 1st wave. If they are asking premium prices for their figures, they shouldn't have this much QC issues. No excuses.


Brian Flynn said in an interview recently that wave 2 Joes should have had full face paint like wave 1. It’s a factory error and the factory samples were painted right so something went South with the final production versions.


They have more of a original G.I. Joe toy look than cartoon look with the faces being left unpainted. I bought the first wave on discount and when they came in it got me excited for more. Considering possibly going all in and i felt this might be one of if not my favorite ultimates lines. But now I’m not sure what I’ll do. They’re not horrible but definitely don’t match Duke.
And at the prices, even on clearance I feel less inclined to grab more. Super 7 has some great ideas and pulls them of a lot of the time but stuff like this seems a bit ridiculous at this point and at these prices.


When will they stop blaming the factories! That excuse is getting old!


this wave except destro needs a face repaint, for an expensive figure it should more than match what hasbro did - cool comparison with other lines


Damn … she looks good imo but that size kills it for me.
Thanks for the review man


If there were to be a well-made G.I. Joe movie, it should star Milla Jovavich as Lady Jaye.


Her face "paint" details are horrible.


Pretty lazy on Super 7's part. I guess they are so far behind on orders they are skipping the paint. Super 7 is lucky IMO to still exist. But I was going to buy this regardless. Had a MAD crush on Lady Jaye since the 1980s...


I was so excited for these and now it’s all gone. I’m not sure now if I’m going to stay with this line at all. I always wanted toon accuracy but now we have two major characters who are essentially busted. I have a Mezco Destro on its way and if that is good, then I’m out with Super 7 Joes. They will screw up again, if you don’t even know what your final product is going to look like then you have no business making action figures.


Thanks for the review.
I was thinking buying this figure with a discount in Amazon but after seeing it out of the box I think I'll pass.


The prototype version looks very close to the cartoon


I see toybro taking shit back at s7 for brian trowing him under the bus lol


Thank you. I wanted to go all in, but hesitated and this review helps me the pull out. I am not a fan of the Hasbro version, but I can deal with that one.


Well I'm getting this. Is a female figure. Looks better than Cheetara IMO. . "The finish looks pretty decent down there" I shall use this. Great review as always.


As much as I like and collect S7's Silverhawks, GI Joe and Thundercats lines, they suck at making action figures !


I pre-ordered this and baroness two years ago. Haven't got them yet. The store told me yesterday they are 100% getting it but some delay with super7 but gave me the option to cancel order and refund. I don't know what to do and am here watching your review. Should I just get my money back?


If ONLY Hasbro made their Classified Lady Jaye look this beautiful. As beautiful as the promotional photos, at least.
i was so very excited about these figures at first.
The size turned me off a bit. Now that i'm seeing the actual figures, i am feeling disappointed.
There is something off about the faces. i can't tell if the lighting in the review videos washes them out, but i don't know. .. "Waxy" is a good word to describe them.
Maybe i was naive, but i was really expecting them to look more like the promo.
Thank you for this review!
Now i don't feel like i have to get them. i don't think i will get them.
Lady Jaye was the only one i wanted.


The figure looks really good with the standard and pilot head from what I see on this video 😀🤘 send feedback to super 7 for a booster head pack for the figures on this wave... Brian admitted on an interview that this one was on them💡☕
