My Favorite Book

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When I opened this video, “Zen” was the last book I expected. Read it nearly 40 years ago, along with Life, The Universe, and Everything. My newly minted father-in-law, a Louis L’amour fan, decided he’d read it just to understand me better. His conclusion? After ten pages, he couldn’t take it anymore.


One of my favorite books as well Mr Hickok. Gumption, and quality.


"Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel is a concise and beautiful book, and probably influenced Pirsig in more than just the title of his book. I totally agree that "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is one of the great books.


I'll add it to my list. It's been mentioned to me before. During my scrounging for answers in books, I did find an ancient gem that I really liked and found myself using it's lessons daily. A personal philosophical journal kept by a Roman Emperor. Meditations, Marcus Aurelius. A Penguin Classic. I need a new one, I gave the last one away to someone who really needed it.


Thanks for sharing! I'm reading "Ordinary Courage: The Revolutionary War Adventures of Joseph Plumb Martin." It's all about this guy's perspective as an infantryman in the Revolutionary War. His sentence style and word choices are so interesting, as well as his ability to give firsthand perspective on that war.


Seneca’s “Letters on Ethics” is probably my number one book. I love the Stoics; I try to read them every day. Really enjoy Thoreau and Emerson as well. The newest book I’ve come to love is “Goodbye, Things, ” by Fumio Sasaki, about minimalism. Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks and The Antidote are equally exceptional books


Hickok, you may know this already but if you don’t, Robert Pirsig is the son of Maynard Pirsig, who was one of the great American teachers of the law at my alma mater the U of Minn Law School. He later taught at another Minn law school until he was 90. Maynard Pirsig shared your desire and interest in teaching as you explained in this video.


My favorite is Unintended Consequences by John Ross. Number two is 1984.


Both good & creepy. From Pirsig's book I was amused and enjoyed the part about "shims" and it definitely made me think about what quality means. The creepy, eerie, part is when he seems to go into a downward spiral about rhetoric and it seems to grab the reader into that same spiral - a bit scary that a writer can do that. My favorite book, however, is Don Quixote - but it is important to get the Samuel Putnam translation for his extensive notes and observations.


Today reading is a lost art, unless it is on your phone. The loss of reading and knowing history are two of the major problems today.


I love that book! Took me 3 tries to get past the first couple of chapters (I was kinda young when I first tried) but once I got through, it was non-stop to the end. I reread it and Lila (the sequel) every few years. Another of my favorite books is The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck. It's also on my regularly reread book list.


TGIF! Thanks for another vid to go with the morning cup of coffee!


It is a good book. I recommend _A Soldier of the Great War_ by Mark Helprin. It is not really about war, but about living a good life.


I first read this book 50 years ago. It still impresses me. Thank you for sharing a bit about how your life has been affected by literature. I graduated with an English degree from a technically oriented university. (I entered as a freshman with aspirations to be an engineer, but it didn't happen.) Many of my friends graduated with degrees in business and engineering. They asked me what I hoped to gain from my degree, given the likelihood of poor financial compensation. I told them that I hoped one day to be able to speak at least one language fluently. I'm still working on that.


You are an Old School Gentleman! Thank you.


I highly recommend the Bible for a eternal journey.


Loved that book. It was a tough read for me, but Pirsig peels back the layers of the idea of quality with surgical precision.


Great video, wonderful book suggestion, some others have made some interesting suggestions they have and/or are reading. Thank you for sharing. Everyone stay safe, happy and healthy.


"It Doesn't Take A Hero, " by Gen Norman Schwarzkopf. I enjoy leadership books and this is one of my favorites. A cool head and common sense are invaluable tools often overlooked today.


Come on 45 best book I ever read was play boy, and you know it 😂😂😂😂😂😂
