No Plans?

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A Labor Housing Tax is coming.
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Good thing the Liberal party has never changed its plans, otherwise people might call you a hypocrite.


No “plans” doesn’t mean there isn’t a “goal, desire, mandate, requirement, ” or other definitive word to drive action. Just not a plan.


How can Liberals and Labour justify helping the ultra rich with negative gearing tax break but the poor middle class gets no assistance. both parties are sickening and wont get the under 40's vote. times are changing and both parties still think rich old property investors will keep them in power.


This bloke has to go before he completely destroys whats left of the country.


Immigrant candidates coming to free western countries should all be asked by immigration authorities the following questions and should be required to sign a document affirming their answers:

1. "Do you believe that if someone drinks alcohol that is his/her own business, not yours?"
2. ""Do you believe that every person of every other religion has just as much right to exist as yourself and should never be harassed?"
3. "Do you believe that women are equal to men and should have all the same privileges as men, and do you agree that while you are in this country this country's laws concerning the age of consent and the age of majority prevail over any norms of your own culture, and that forcing any female into sex against her will is rape and should be punished severely under the law?
4. "Do you agree that if a woman in this culture wants to go around with her head uncovered or her arms or legs revealed that she has a right to do so and to the extent our law allows her to, and that any punishment exacted in this land, is the business of the state and none of your business?"
5. "Do you believe that, if someone of your own religion, if you have one, wants to leave that religion and join another religion, or become an Atheist, Agnostic, or Deist, that he or she is free to do so and should not be molested or harmed by anyone for that decision?"
6. "Do you agree that, since one of our customs is freedom of speech, everyone here should be allowed to draw pictures of whatever they want, or say whatever they want to say, within the limits of OUR law, even if it offends yourself or someone else or someone's religion, and that they should never be molested or harmed for doing so?"
7. "Will you agree that, if you ever are caught supporting terrorism by speech or by action that you will allow yourself to be unceremoniously deported back to your country of origin; and, even if you'd attained citizenship in this country since arriving, to give up that citizenship voluntarily and leave?"
8. "Do you agree that if you are ever convicted of committing violence of any sort during a protest that you will immediately give up your citizenship here, or your visa allowing you to stay, and can be immediately deported back to your country of origin without a trial?"
9. "Do you agree that this country owes you nothing and that you'll have to work to earn a living here and that, if after the first thirty days, you don't have a job, you will no longer accept public assistance, and that, if you fail to find a job within six months, you will voluntarily leave the country and return to your country of origin or go to another country?
10. "Do you agree that Jews have just as much right to exist as people of any other religion, including Muslims, and that should you ever be caught denying those of another religion, or Atheists, Agnostics, Deists or Jews their rights, or Israel's right to exist, that you will allow yourself to be deported to your country of origin without a trial?"

Those who answer Yes to all ten points above would go to Line 1 and be granted asylum until their country of origin is stable, after which they would be deported to their country of origin or a country of their choosing, unless they've applied for citizenship, sworn an oath to abide by these laws and customs and have not violated any laws of this country.

Those who answer No to any one of the ten points above would go to Line 2 and be immediately bussed to the nearest embarkation point and be deported to their country of origin and forbidden to ever return.

If anyone deported ever returns and unlawfully enters the country, and is convicted of unlawfully entering the country, he or she should automatically earn a ten-year prison sentence without parole or time off for good behavior.

Key to this, whether here temporarily for asylum or here as a new citizen, will be the requirement to swear an oath of allegiance that includes all of these points. ANY violation of that oath, even one so simple, as verbally harassing someone because their customs are different than one's own, once reported to the authorities, will require the violators deportation to their country of origin upon a guilty plea or finding of guilty in a court of law.


They promise to have a plan to have a plan which is a promise which they have broken!


In England, they are building a nuclear power station. The building was supposed to start in 2007, and it was supposed to have been finished by 2017, but it didn't start till 2016 it was supposed to cost
£9 billion, now it is estimated it will cost £48 billion which is $A93 billion as it is it won't be finished until around 2030 or 2031 maybe, they aren't sure if the Hinckley c nuclear power station will actually be stated.


we have a plan have a plan have a plan
