Why is video marketing effective? - Video marketing for business #2

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Video is a format that we are very used to, its easy to watch, provides a great deal of information in a short time, and can be comfortably watched even on the smaller screens of a mobile phone or tablet.
Most of us watch video on television or as films on a regular basis, probably for more time than we spend reading books and magazines.
It is a safe bet then that most people would rather get their information from a video than reading through one or more website pages.

Video stands out.
Not everyone uses video in their marketing, and therefore videos have a value that will be remembered.
A video displayed prominently on your home page or elsewhere on your website will be noticed, and if relevant most likely viewed.
In Google's search results, video listings have thumbnail images and are visually eyecatching compared to the normal text links.
Statistics show that people conducting searches see imagery in the search results, before they view the words.

Video is engaging.
The use of moving images and sound, consume the viewer, offering you a few minutes of their attention and the chance to convince them to make a positive action.
The use of stylistic elements such as animation, music and creative filming - when combined with strong message, can create a powerful impression on the viewer.

So, I hope you will agree that video marketing is effective, and for some very good reasons.
The combination of a great format, something noticable and something that keeps your potential customer engaged with your brand must provide some exciting marketing opportunities.

But, I don't belive that video works well unless its part of the bigger marketing picture.
After all, it is only one part of the viewers journey.
We need to carefully consider where the viewer has come from and where you would like them to go next.

Please watch out for our next video, 'Creating your video marketing strategy'



Yes, we have all become lazy and don't like reading. As a consumer, video is easy to absorb, is minimal clutter and can quickly be 'rewound'. However, as a creator, it can take considerable time to create and edit them, and you may feel unable to appear in them or create them yourself.
