What Does a Casual Relationship Mean to a Guy?

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I made a mistake of thinking a guy would change his mind once and the tears I cried could fill buckets🤣 never again!


a real man doesn’t value a woman based off of how soon or how often they have sex with you. that’s immature thinking and has been proven not to be true. it’s just an indirect way of slut shaming


This guy has spoken out some very harsh realities in 6 minutes.
Much needed ! Thankyou.


Women, stop entertaining these types of abusive & selfishly opportunitistic men. This is NOT ok to use Women like pleasure objects while they run after more Women. These men are shallow, emotionally stunted and disordered. Please stop giving men who act like this excuses as "afraid/scared/vulnerable". They are flat our using you and have ZERO remorse or empathy. These types of men are sociopathic, narcissistic, and toxic. When he says "I'm looking for someone casual", he means "can I just use and abuse you and keep you on breadcrumbs as narcissistic supply?" Girls: RUN 🏃‍♀️


I was the guy in the casual relationship. And after 5 dates, and so many hours spent together, I realized that I never wanted a casual relationship. All I ever wanted was to love someone, and I got lost along the way.

As a guy, it’s so easy to seek sex. It’s easy to think “it would be so sick to have 3 casual girlfriends” or “I want to have sex with her, but I don’t like her like that.” But eventually, when you spend enough time with someone, you finally see them as a person, and it’s not just sex anymore. It’s never just sex after a certain point.

I regret that I let myself become driven by sex. More accurately, I was driven by the desire to be looked at well socially. I wanted to be a player, but that wasn’t who I was at all.

So to my guy friends scrolling through this video, please be honest with yourself and who you really are. Some of us were born to be lovers in life, in every relationship (romantic or otherwise). Just because you’re young, or attractive, or you’ve spent a lot of time as a teenager thinking it was cool to sleep with a lot of girls, doesn’t mean you have to become that. Some of us are passionate, emotional, sensitive people, and that’s actually a lot cooler. I wish I realized that about myself earlier.


I think it’s necessary for both parties both agree its casual from the beginning.
When both parties hangout a lot, go on dates and also how he treats you like spending time with you which can lead to catching feelings the n its not casual.


Why can’t I find a video where the woman wants casual but the man wants committed?!! I don’t want to lose my independence and honesty I don’t want a man around every damn day!! Make that video!!


The guy I was seeing just put me in the casual category- now he’s lost his value to me and has become a risk.


Before considering ANY of this advice...consider if you actually even like the guy. Don't sleep with him until YOU have vetted him. Casual sex creates soul ties, women get attached to possibility and this alone will keep us in a toxic situation for waaay too long


It’s basically friends with benefits . They want gf benefits but not commit .


If the guy's decided it's going to be casual, it's not going to be anything else. Only if from the beginning if he was possibly looking for a relationship or open minded may there be a chance. But the guy will make the decision and you will have no say in the matter. Best always to ask up front what they are looking for in a relationship although and if there a little ambiguous he's going to take what he can get.


Casual meaning he can have other women


I think friends with benefits is not bad. If both of them want casual relationship then that'll be ok


I was in two relationships for 7 years, now i met i guy that i dont think is relationship material but we have a good vibe. He seems fun and gets my mind to relax. I wanna try to date him casually, but i dont wanna get hurt..idk what to do😂


I was wondering what a casual relationship was so I could be good at it, but everyone seems to think it's a bad thing 😓


What seems to be most problematic and hypocritical when it comes to men's behaviours in these types of "arrangements"is the fact that they always seem to give up on the fling with a woman that has as much of control over herself as they have.This may come across as weird reasoning coming from a woman but, since my golden rule for preventing falling in love in these types of relationships has always been to either sleep with a guy that is not as good looking or not as smart and therefore not very likable, but I always seem to encounter difficilties making conscious decision to get involved in these types of relationships when a guy is the dominant one.Usually I am the one who sets the boundries and who likes to have control of whether I want to see him every day or wheter I dont feel like it or texting him constantly.That is usually my bottom line when I would say "Enough is enough, the guy's not worth the hunt".What 's really bothering me is, therefore, the type of situation in which men do initially know they "apparently" don't see me as dating material but in which they, however find it completely ok to be not only spending their days with me but planing activities, weekend or even date nights.The reason I find this so hard to wrap my head around is because, from my point of view, there are things exclusively meant to be "deserved" and "reserved"for an emotional partner and those things should be a part of your and your lover's every day routine.I mean, it 's one thing for a guy to know some polite manners but In those situations, I am not really sure whether the guy is trying to trick me into thinking his intentions are not malicious in terms of wanting to use me or do guys maybe don't have the problem handling that as us women do.I have had that problems days ago with the noutorious on -again-off -again guy I 've been texting and when he wanted serious commitment I was fucked up by my past relationship.Prior to that, he asked me out on a date only to have me cancelled because, allegedelly, was he to have seen me and started dating me then, he would have had the feeling that he has intellectually cheated on his ex with me.That was two years ago so my question is, why the fuck would he think we could have made as a couple then when his break up was still fresh and now, two years post that relationship trauma of his he wants to keep things casual but apparently "us possibly getting involved in a sexual connecting doesn't have to eliminate other possibilties".Was all that part of his bullshit or the guy doesn't have his shit together?
Please, clearify.


He said we’re casual but admit its painful.


I agree with what he said for the first four minutes in the video. that is the case with me. however, a woman’s value to me would not be decreased if she sleeps with me the first time we meet. neither, in my case, the more I have sex with a woman, the less I value her. If I like a woman, I value her, and while I might start looking for other sexual partners the romance will never die.


You couldn't be further from the truth! Or it can apply to some or most guys, but not all, and it certainly does not apply to me.


Absolutely not? "There's no risk for the guy". The risk is her, bro. If it's defined as "casual", and things dont work out, you're risking losing *HER*. And as a serial monogamist...casual dating just doesn't work for me. There are too many "what ifs" and variables at play. Like, I'm not gonna bother dating someone if they're lowkey dating someone else while "dating" me. I'd rather just find somebody whos willing to invest just as much time into me, as I am investing into them, and commit to that individual person, instead of keeping my options open,
