The Real Evil Behind This Amicus Brief

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Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a very troubling amicus brief, filed by 17 State Attorneys General, who have completely distorted the holdings of Bruen in an attempt to yet again, inject a two-part balancing test into Second Amendment litigation. What is more troubling is that they have filed this in the 9th Circuit in the matter of Teter v. Lopez, a challenge to Hawaii's butterfly knife ban, but do not be surprised when this exact line of reasoning ends up in the 9th Circuit's ruling in the matter of Duncan v. Bonta as well. So learn what all of this means, and arm yourself with education today.

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Can’t be just twisting words around and thinking that that’s gonna work these lawyers today or a real piece of work. The DOJ needs to be stripped of all their powers as well.


Let the judges and lawmakers go fight these wars as citizens with the same arms they want to allow us to have.


Another point, I do not commonly use my gun to kill someone in self defense, however, I commonly use my gun to punch paper targets.


We really need to hold ALL AG"s and their judges accountable for their total ignorance. Bringing a knife to a gunfight is not what this case is about.


The "in common use for self-defense" language started showing up months ago. If YOU can see through this ploy, the plaintiffs attorneys should too. Therefore, they need to have a robust response to this brief NOW.


As a non-lawyer, but a student of human nature, my suspicion that "common use" here is a catch-22 in that butterfly knives have been illegal to possess for so long in so many states that, of course, they haven't been in "common use" for the past 30 years!
Also, to the crux of self-defense and the type of knife: what is the state's interest in the type of knife one uses if one's life is in danger? If my life is in danger, I am going to use the best weapon that most safely neutralizes the threat, THAT I CAN QUICKLY EMPLOY, whether it's a gun, a pen knife, a butterfly knife, or an arming sword. And, if it's a baseball bat, I think it's entirely irrelevant that it's a Louisville Slugger--my life's on the line!

To paraphrase a famous bard: a knife by any other name is still a knife.


If I'm not mistaken, Heller reinforced by Bruen established that the burden of proof falls to the defense (ie:government) instead of the plaintiff.


I am so glad that I live in Texas who decriminalized all knives and all knives are legal with a few restrictions on where you can carry one with a blade over 6”. I now carry an OTF automatic knife. Just as our governor told all of the press, there has been no increase in drive by knifings. I like our governor.


Nowhere in the text, history, tradition, or 2a is "common use" a thing. Therefore, any "ban" on these items won't be complied with; doubly so, if the STATE can use them and we can't.


Lemme get this straight, they ban the knife and then expect for it to be used commonly in self defense? What has the world come to?


New Jersey has had a ban forever on butterfly knives sping loaded knives and gravity knives. I see how the common use designation muddies the water and the sniff test as the foundation of thier assertion is more leading in their favor than on the merits of the argument


They always forget the two little words that proceed the self-defense reference, "SUCH AS"


Judges and lawyers and so highly educated and yet they fail to understand shall not be infringed. Kinda makes you wonder about our education system. 🤔


If you carry it everyday for self defense, then its commonly used for self defense weather its actually used in a self defense situation or not.


Attorneys general is the plural of attorney general.

I do really appreciate all your work and time to give us information on what’s going on around the U.S. 👍


Where exactly did the Supreme court come up with that directive? I read "Shall not be infringed". It doesn't say "Shall not be infringed EXCEPT in these cases"


When I was in high school a history teacher I had told us that the difference between the United States and all other countries in the world was the rights of the individual surpasses the rights of the state. My, have we forever lost our way.


This is exactly why SCOTUS needs to stop kicking the can down the road.


Outstanding breakdown of the elected government officials, in this case 14 attorney generals, flagrantly misinterpreting the purpose of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.


We wouldn't want the Circus to break their perfect record by changing course and following the law instead of their feelings. As the Hair Gel Governor has previously opinion has already been written,
