Council of Chalcedon | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:41 1 Background
00:02:16 1.1 Eutychian controversy
00:05:22 1.2 "Latrocinium" of Ephesus
00:10:12 2 Convocation and session
00:19:43 3 Acceptance
00:21:34 3.1 Results
00:22:53 3.2 Confession of Chalcedon
00:25:05 3.3 Canons
00:33:22 4 The status of the sees of Constantinople and Jerusalem
00:33:34 4.1 The status of Jerusalem
00:34:59 4.2 The status of Constantinople
00:38:31 5 Consequences: Chalcedonian Schism
00:42:00 6 Oriental Orthodox view
00:43:20 7 Liturgical commemorations
00:45:17 8 See also

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Speaking Rate: 0.8745621522462275
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates

The Council of Chalcedon () was a church council held from 8 October to 1 November, 451, at Chalcedon. Chalcedon was a city in Bithynia, on the Asian side of the Bosphorus; today the city is part of the Republic of Turkey and is known as Kadıköy (a district of Istanbul). The Council was called by Emperor Marcian to set aside the 449 Second Council of Ephesus, which had reinstated Eutyches, archimandrite of Constantinople, deposed a number of bishops, and resulted in the death of Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople, shortly thereafter of injuries sustained in a beating. Its principal purpose was to assert the orthodox catholic doctrine against the heresy of Eutyches and the Monophysites, although ecclesiastical discipline and jurisdiction also occupied the council's attention.The council is numbered as the fourth ecumenical council by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and most Protestants. Oriental Orthodox Churches do not agree with the conduct and the proceedings of the Council, commonly calling it "Chalcedon, the Ominous".
Followers of the Council believe its most important achievement was to issue the Chalcedonian Definition, stating that Jesus is "perfect both in deity and in humanness; this selfsame one is also actually God and actually man." The council's judgments and definitions regarding the divine marked a significant turning point in the Christological debates.
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