Taking Photos of Strangers - Street Photography Tips

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Taking photos of strangers or even talking to them is never easy for some people including me. In this video, I talk about how to taking pictures of people on the street and how to practice approaching them.

Stay tuned for more street photography tips.

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Love your tips, I think it’s also about introducing what you are doing, so they don’t think negative things.

If a guy stops me in the street and tells me he likes my outfit and wants to take a photo of me, I might think he’s a pervert hahaha so introducing that I’m a photographer and that I can send their photos when they are done usually helps me getting the yes. But it’s still difficult as I don’t like to talk to strangers

I love all your photos but when you get to capture people doing things or preoccupied as you say, they become my absolute favorite. You do a phenomenal job.

We will continue sneaking in hahah


It's basically a negotiating game of how to approach the person and what to say to each person that will give you the best chance of them saying yes, with your tips, it makes it just a bit easier! Fantastic tips as always!


Great tips Ralph. We usually carry our business cards with us and offer to send people a copy of the photo and people seem to appreciate that. Naz suggests practicing a 15 second approach script so you are comfortable, which I never do and then realize I probably should've as I am pretty shy when it come to asking for photos. I will have to practice asking 1 person each time out great idea!


Great show Ralph, this is the 2nd vid of yours that I've watched and your quality and approach is consistent. I usually say "May I take a picture of you?" short and sweet.... some people will pause for a moment allow you a shot or two, then move on. Best to have an idea of shutter, iso etc. so you don't miss an opportunity- or just shoot auto... Thanks Man!


Thanks for the tips!!!
I really love seeing street photos and have always wanted to create the same kinda photos but fail every time!


Really enjoying this street photography series! Man you are taking some incredible shots - love the black and white too. Good tip on keeping the camera up and taking photos of people who are preoccupied


That is a good thing to tell them so they don’t think you want money. Most people ask for money anymore. For the ones who need it get it but the ones scamming ugh.


Nice tips on how to capture people.. the sneaky shots 🙂👍


Thanks for taking the time to share some advice! Are you planning to share more street photography tips?


, ,, this episode is me, , , I'm a shy person who loves to photograph strangers I do candid shot on the street your tips boost my confidence thank you sir...


oww yeah never thought of that...amazing tips and tricks :) thanks for sharing!


This is very difficult to even randomly film someone as well..I guess this advise to filming too...but a pic and a video are different as well...asking for permission is probably my #1 question. ..great advise tho


Can't believe we missed this. Better to apologize than ask for permission. Haha We struggle with it, especially abroad. I (Maria) also walk with my camera pointing to the side to take pictures. I did it a lot in Japan. I need to learn to approach people because I always regret when I don't take the picture.


Great tips Ralph! Love all your photos, the candid photos are our favourite 👍🏻
Keep up the good work


Great tips Ralph. Ive actually never tried to ask anyone for a photo before. Next time i go for shoot i will definitely try thus tips..😊📸


Great tips Ralph! Your pictures it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s not easy but yet it’s possible.


Thanks so much for the great tips! I shoot in the first category most of the time (so people not noticing) but I am struggling with the morals behind publishing these shots. Because the people have no idea I took their photo and that it is being published on for example my instagram account. Do you have a position when it comes to this aspect? I find it quite difficult, especially when I really love the shot and I want to share it but it clearly has the face of a stranger in focus. Any tips on how to deal with this in a decent way? (I am never selling them for money, so it is not commercial)


Looking forward to more, hope a great summer for you and yours so far.


Awesome tips does these tip apply with video-graphy?


I do that too... If you know René Doisneau, he spent his time shooting the streets in Paris. However, back in these days, people did not mind to be shot by a photograph. If you have not, look at "le baiser de l'hôtel de ville", which epitaph the work of a street photographer.

I go to Paris often, but I don't see people kissing on the lips like they used to. Here in Houston, I have not seen a single couple kissing in public!!!
