How to add 'Git Bash Here' to right-click menu on windows 11 & fix terminal flickering

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How to launch "Git Bash Here" from context menu on windows 11. Add "git bash here" to right click on windows 11.

Simple settings file :

My terminal settings:

🚨🚨 Remember that I am using Jetbrains Mono font which for you might throw an error. If you haven't installed it yet, you can it get from the link down below or modify your font-family in json file. 🚨🚨

Folder Directory: C:\Program Files\Git\etc

------- Commands ---------
1- nano ~/.inputrc
2- set bell-style visible
3- set bell-style none

-------- Keyboard shortcuts----
4 - CTRL + O
5 - CTRL + X
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I have installed git in windows 11, and whenever I start the git bash, a black window flashes on the screen for a short amount of time and then it crashes what to do?


settings do not open in text editor, it opens cmd setting window
