Adventists & World War III - The 5 Angels of Revelation 14 (Part 2) || James Arrabito

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Bible study: Adventists & World War III - The 5 Angels of Revelation 14 (Part 2)
Presenter: James Arrabito
📖 Key Texts: John 5:39

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
(John 5:39 KJV)

This is a much-needed message for the times in which we live. May God bless you!

🌟 Bible Prophecy is fast unfolding right before our eyes! 🌟

🌟 Join us for a profound journey in our latest sermon, "Garments of Grace" 🌟

🔔 Heed the Call: A Time for Vigilance and Sobriety
Amidst these revelations, the call to action resounds. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to be sober and vigilant, recognizing the adversary's schemes. As we enter the final conflict of the great controversy, our choices become crucial. Will we entertain angels or become unwitting hosts to the devil's designs?

🙏 Conclusion: The Prophetic Unfolding
In closing, we stand on the precipice of prophetic fulfilment. The destiny of Earth hangs in the balance, and our allegiance to Christ or Satan shapes the outcome. Will you, as a sentinel of God, stand firm against the adversary? The plea to "hold fast till I come" echoes, urging us to be vigilant, to discern the subtle enchantments, and to anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth of Christ.

🔔 Stay Tuned and Engage:
Embrace the urgency of the moment, fellow travellers. The climax of the great controversy is nigh. Will you hold fast, girded with the mind of Christ, or succumb to the sorcery of this world? The choice is yours – and the consequences, eternal.

🌟 Let the Scriptures Illuminate Your Path! 🌟

#Adventist #WorldWar3 #JamesArrabito #Separation&unity #Revelation

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May your heart be lifted, your spirit renewed, and your faith strengthened. GOD is our refuge, our strength, and our eternal hope.

At 47:27 Pastor James talks about the literalness and importance of numbers in the Bible. Here is an example that is worthy of notice, the number 7 that pertains unto God as Professor Veith refers:
At 54:55 in his previous message James Arrabito tells us about sacred numbers, there is one that is especially a sacred number, and the Bible proves as you see the patterns of this number. Let me give you just a few of these.
“The Father”= 218 mentions
“The word” = 469 mentions
“Holy Ghost” = 90 mentions
777 !!

New Testament mentions
God + Jesus + Holy Spirt
1354 + 973 + 4
When we total them, this breaks down to 777 + 777 + 777 mentions

Father Son holy Ghost/ holy Spirit
7x37 7 x 33 7x13
Grand Total = 777 !!

New Testament mentions
God + Jesus + Holy Spirt
1354 + 973 + 4
When we total them, this breaks down to 777 + 777 + 777 mentions

Father Son holy Ghost/ holy Spirit
7x37 7 x 33 7x13
Grand Total = 777 !!

First chapter of the Bible has exactly 7 x 7 x 7 words. (these patterns of 7, we see only in the KJV Bible)

“Word” when capitalized is mentioned 7 times in entire KJV Bible.

The words “Holy Spirit” is mentioned 7 times.
“the Father” + “the Word + “Holy Ghost” has 777 mentions
These patterns are not man made, but God has given us these patterns to prove His word, as promised in Psalm 12:7 is still His Word. If you would like more there are hundreds more, but not in the NIV, or ESV, only in the Authorized Version. Think this is by accident? Oh no Sir, and these are precise, not one more, nor one less.


1 John 4:1 KJV
[1] Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
The Bible is the only source we can trust 💯. All the rest must be scrutinized by it.


The eighth it was and it is one of the seventh it's papacy which it was and it received the deadly wound and it is not until the deadly wound will be healed.
The same pattern 10 kings 3 have been taken away which makes 7 kings plus the little horn which is the eighth.
