Vacuum Fluid Extractor: Seal Replacement - OEM Tools

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Howdy! This is the boiler-plate [BOTTOM TEXT] that populates the end of my video descriptions. Tom’s Mechanical Videography is a spin-off hobby YouTube channel I created to house videos related to mechanical systems and DIY stuff. I’m a conservationist/biologist in my professional life but I’ve long had a passion for up-cycling, which is a fancy way of saying I’m cheap and like fixing broken stuff that I get for free. The primary purpose of this channel is a repository for informational videos I make related to solving niche and frustrating problems I encounter. That extends to vehicle and small engine repair videos. The secondary purpose of this channel, and the bulk of its content, is to motivate me to regularly think about and work on the garbage that I accumulate throughout my day to day life. By imposing a demand for [C O N T E N T] and an upload schedule on myself, it helps me actually work on all this trash in my yard. I don’t ever intend for this channel to make money or be successful, nor do I really want it to. I’m making videos as efficiently as I can with a phone camera and 10yo editing software in the limited time I have, which is my excuse as to why they all suck so hard. I have zero interest in making a career out of this or taking anyone’s money (other than YouTube’s if they’ll pay me).

If for some strange reason you enjoy what I do, please consider SMASHING THAT MA’FUGEN [SUBSCRIBE] button. I don’t plan to quit anytime soon. Also, constructive criticism about how I can suck less is welcome but please keep in mind that I am a smooth-brained inbred hick and I probably won’t listen anyway.

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Thank you for this! My issue was the gold ring around the pump on top. Pushed it back down, and it got suction. Appreciate the time and energy! Definitely helped me!


Well IYour perseverance pays in the end! Yes, your video is absolutely helpful! Thank you so much!


There's a diaphragm type seal/valve thingy inside the black bottom cover of the container. That's one part you didn't look at.


Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏 great video and personality. Lots of info plus a tear down of the fluid extractor


Where did you buy the O-ring? Can you send describtions.


What a junk extractor. Mines having issues too


Mine stopped working after sucking 18 gallons of gasoline, I did not see the warning message not to use with gasoline lol.
gonna try to open it up this weekend


I used mine once, then 6 months later the second time I tried to use it lost all it's suction. Ready to throw it in the dumpster.


Put oring in brake fluid for about 6 hours
Best to mic it first and keep checking until it reaches the size needed
Just saying 😊


Love entertainment!!! Next year make the tube out of aluminum... I have faith you can do it👍


Thanks for the video. I also did not know that it can be unscrewed off but I was not able to get it to work.


Thanks was able to fix mine because of your video
