AQA GCSE Maths Foundation November 2019 Paper 2 (Calculator) Walkthrough

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Question Breakdown

1 Algebra simplification
2 Square number
3 Time interval
4 Rotational symmetry
5(a) Range
5(b) Median
6 Money problem
7(a) Equation
7(b) Equation
7(c) Algebra simplification
8 Cost of journey
9 Percentage shaded
10 Pictogram problem
11 Calculations
12 Listing outcomes
13 Geometrical drawing
14 Vertices
15 Fraction deduction
16 Ratio problem
17 Algebra simplifications
18 Capacity problem
19 Properties of a rhombus
20(a) Scale drawing
20(b) Scale drawing
21 Prime number problem
22 Surface area
23 Relative frequency
24 Lowest common multiple
25(a) Type or correlation
25(b) Line of best fit
25(c) Reasoning
26 Speed,distance, time
27 Identity
28 Bearings
29 Linear sequence problem
30 Vector calculation
31 Repeated percentage change

Grade Boundaries (Out of 80)

5 = 57 (72%)
4 = 49 (62%)
3 = 35 (44%)
2 = 22 (28%)
1 = 9 (12%)
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