van life is changing ✿ learning how to live in my van alone again

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getting back into "solo female vanlife" & my favorite camping spot closed to car camping lol flip flopping between two lives is weird and difficult at times!! but i am happy to be able to travel at all.

music ~
the night you flew // rickard from
a gentle invitation // dawn, dawn, dawn
once you choose hope // sayuri hayashi egnell
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good morning! if you're here within the first hour or so, the video quality will not be so good - the HD/4K version hasn't finished processing, but i'm too impatient to wait for it to be done to post lol. thats all, have a great day :)


You are not a soggy piece of lettuce. You are allowed to feel how you feel and you should always feel safe and secure. Wishing you and yours a wonderful week. Thank you for always being so real with everything. Take care of yourself. Remember to be gentle yourself. All the best 🙂


I find walking/jogs/hiking clears your head.


Found you through Julia. Can so tell why you are friends! Love your appreciation for Nature. So glad I found your channel!


You can get a cheap 3/8 drive ratchet and a deep socket and remove the nuts holding your passenger seat down. Then you can lift up the passenger seat and face it towards the back of your van. Then you will only need to use two of the nuts to hold down the seat. One for the seatbelt lock in the back and one diagonally from that one in the front. Start the nuts by hand as not to strip them and just place the other two nuts on he beginning of the studs. This will give you an additional seat to use when parked and open the inside up as well.

Place the ratchet and socket in the mesh below the 12 volt plugs for future use.


One day at a time.
I've been in a friend's driveway for several weeks.
I'm itching to get on the road.
Safe routine yes, but I also enjoy the change of moving around.
It will work out.
Tea has been my craving lately. Herbal


'Love to watch you and Athena enjoying nature on your walk. Washington definitely doesn't look like this (at least, not Bellingham).


Apparently there's several beautiful, kind-hearted young women (like yourself), trying out van-life on YouTube. But you're young and you have lots of time to try a variety of different things, so I hope you find the lifestyle that makes you the happiest! :)


To say that I missed seeing you and Athena would be an understatement... so glad to see that you're back and I was so looking forward to seeing you & Athena again. I was going to try and welcome you back with something you would read as being really meaningful and profound that would put you in a happy state of mind. After watching, I'd say nothing that I could come up with here will be any more uplifting than the way you're already feeling right now. Athena looks like she's having a blast going through the transition back to van life. 😍I wanted to send you & Athena a Valentine Greeting 🥰 🐺💕 Sometimes the roads we travel in life are rough and bumpy, but they can lead you to such a serene and peaceful place.


Great to see you back and cute doggie🇨🇦👍Please be careful @ safe.Look forward to your adventure's


Big Laughs Matter and thats always open hehe thankyou for the morning stroll it looks beautiful out there yes. and you looked like an angel when you were walking and the sunlight was shining thru ya 🥳🤗 love light and everything bright


Welcome back madilynn. You've been missed! can't wait to see all the places you'll go.


Great to see your back on the road! Thanks for sharing your travels with us.😊 Be safe


Dude your editing is really good 💯 the music you add really brings it life . I live in my 2008 Honda CRv and after your in your rig four awhile it becomes home and leaving it alone can definitely kick up some anxiety for shure I go on walks a lot and swim and that anxiety is a good think to have . I had some one put a beer bottle under my tire and few days before that they put screw in to of my tires luckily I had a plug kit and a small air compressor so was able to fix it on the spot


I never make a list going grocery shopping cause I never know what the heck I want. Just make sure you eat before you go into a grocery store or you buy everything crazy hope to see you come through Vegas sometime. I’d love to sit and chat with you about Van life. I’ll leave and get you some groceries for your travel because we all have to stick together.


It's a period of adjustment. You'll get out of your funk in no time 💛


Change is hard. That's okay as long as we don't expect ourselves to embrace it right away.


so glad youre back waiting for your next adventure no matter what it is 🫶🏾 the care smaller YouTubers have is so wholesome thats why I love watching yall


We, your internet family give you a key to go anywhere, anytime. Those signs are not meant for you, you are a beautiful, gentle soul who treads lightly… that is your permission to roam. You only have to leave if they ask you to 💙💚💙


Welcome back! Hope the transition back to vanlife isn't too rough. Great idea to start off in a familar place. I agree about the walks. Just spending a little time strolling through nature can have a refreshing effect. Do you have any destination plans for spring?
