Choose You This Day! (Joshua 24:14-15)

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Choose You This Day! (Joshua 24:14-15) by Rev. Angus Stewart
I. The Various Choices
II. The Godly Example
III. The Further Exchanges
Prof. Robert Decker on Joshua 24:15: “Today, just as really as in Joshua’s day, we have only two alternatives: God or idolatry. The idols of today may not be of wood or stone, but they are just as real as those of the Amorites! To mention just a very few: there are idols of pleasure, money, sports, science. God or idols—that is the choice. Put in the New Testament terms, the alternatives are: light or darkness, righteousness or sin, Christ or Belial, the narrow way or the broad, God or the devil, the treasures of the world or affliction for a season with the people of God, the world or the Kingdom of Heaven, life or death, heaven or hell, God or mammon ... What Joshua is saying, then, is that we will be in God’s employ. We will deny ourselves and give ourselves totally to His service.”
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