Python Programming: Lesson 6 - In-Place Operators and Boolean Expressions

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In-place operators: There is a quicker way of reassigning a variable depending on its current value
x += 16 is a quicker way of writing x = x + 16
y //= 10 is a quicker way of writing y = y // 10
z += " dog" is a quicker way of writing z = z + " dog" for some string z

A boolean expression is one that evaluates to either True or False. For example, print( 5 + 2 == 10 ) would print False on the console. We can also combine boolean expressions. If a = True and b = False, then print( a && b ) would print False but print( a || b ) would print True.

1:25 Review of Reassigning Variables
3:20 Review of User Input
6:09 NEW: In-Place Operators
9:14 NEW: Boolean Expressions
14:21 NEW: Combining Boolean Expressions with and, or, not
18:18 PEEK: Boolean Variables

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