Gravitational Entropy increasing on Earth by decreasing entropy of Matter: On noncommutative ecology

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My first TWO Books of my three book series:
2) On Lulu also - search bookstore for title: There is no spoon
"For example, it is assumed that all far from equilibrium dissipative structures on Earth (including all life forms) dissipate energy faster than would be the case without them. On this view, without life on Earth, there would be free energy streaming from the Sun into interstellar space. The entropy of the Universe would be lower and there would be more free energy able to produce complexity elsewhere."
p. 12 Complexity and the Arrow of Time
edited by Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies, Michael Ruse
(Cambridge University Press, Aug 8, 2013)
James N. Gardner of Yale Law School. He was the author of the Biocosm Hypothesis, which argues that intelligent life eventually emerges as the architect of the Universe.
March 10, 2000
Activists Confront Gore about the U'WA in half-hour mtg.
Rainforest Action Network activists in the Twin Cities Minnesota, on the
night of March 10th, had about a half hour confrontation with Vice
President Gore--a private meeting. that occurred in the basement of the
VFW, just after his campaign speech. The meeting was extremely interesting
since we confronted him on many issues and basically spelled out an
anti-elite democratic vision to Gore. Below is my description of the
event--(I refer to other activists as "another" even though sometimes it
maybe the same person again--names were never ok'd for this breaking news
release. Following the description is further background info. on the
issue). The general protest during his speech was scantily dismissed on
National Public Radio and in the Twin Cities paper--the corporate media
just regurgitated the destructive views of Gore as usual.

Upon Arrival at the VFW....The "Speech"

"He's a protester, He's one of them!" cried out one of the Gore
campaigners. I was pulled aside by secret service as I approached the
entryway. The secret service dog was enjoying my smelly socks in my
backpack but the man looking through the bag did not even notice the stack
of "Who is Al Gore?" fliers. According to the campaigners, apparently if I
disagree with Gore, I can't go see him. But after promising that I hadn't
handed out the fliers, that I would not yell anything, that I didn't have a
banner, and that I would not hand anything out inside, they let me in. So
much for first amendment rights. The VFW Hall was an intimate gathering of
mainly union people, VFW people, the mayor of Mpls., Senator Wellstone,
Rep. Sabo, Walter Mondale, their partners, and the corporate media.

When Gore came out to speak--to the tacky blaring of "We Are Family," there
was about 15 of us protesters inside and along with other "non-protesters"
many soon began yelling stuff. I was yelling it's all "the same corporate
elite" and "what about the U'WA!?" Others yelled "stop killing the U'WA!"
and similar statements about Occidental Petroleum (OXY). Gore said "And
about you protesters out there I'll meet with you afterwards," telling us
to be quiet. Paul Wellstone, the sell-out, looked extremely dismayed. We
continued to cry out, since Gore has ignored the 20 or so previous
confrontations with him about the U'WA. When Gore claimed to want open
meetings with Bush and to challenge Bush, I yelled out, "We
challenge Gore about the U'WA!" The Gore campaigners quickly brought
signs to have people hold up all around us so that we were hidden by the
signs. But since we were right in camera view of Gore, the campaigner had
to then ask that the Gore signs be taken down because the view was blocked
but I raised Gore's book "The Earth in Balance," yelling "Read your Book!"
Two others held up a banner several times before getting ejected from the
VFW hall. When Gore walked out I got to the exit line, shook his hand
saying, "What about the U'WA? What about the meeting?" Media people
surrounded us and I heard Gore saying "I'd meet with you but you didn't
keep up your end of the bargain." Implying we had successfully disrupted
him. But these two media guys claimed he said he'd meet with us. They
were standing next to me and could hear Gore better as he left the room. I
thought, "we'll if they say so," so I quickly looked for the Gore
campaigners and the other protesters.

Soon after Gore's assistant came out with the secret service and asked us
to have one leader/spokesperson. She told us this meeting was highly
unprecedented, especially with so many of us. She allowed no media. We
refused to have a leader. We were told to remove jackets, bags, and
potential weapons and we were lead to a backroom to be scanned.

Penorose and others talk about a theory that: In the Universe there are fluxuations in Gravity. Leading to gravity pockets (sometimes denser sometimes less so). As our Galaxy flies through the Universe, it hits these pockets.
Potentially, these pockets can cause time to speed up or slow down. However, 'we' would never know its happening. Because, only a distant observer (outside the gravity pocket), looking at our galaxy, would notice.


I've recently been debating OpenAI chat. Here is my latest response: I didn't notice the emotion of rational arrogance mentioned? Someone named Joe Griffin on the interwebs writes, "Rational arrogance is produced by those who fancy
themselves as the anointed." Griffin cites: Ephesians 4:14 - We are no longer to be
children, tossed here and there by waves and carried
about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men,
by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
v. 15 - but speaking the truth in love, we are to
grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even
For example preemptive plausible deniability is the arrogance of an "unknown known" to quote a recent genocidal war criminal boasting of imperial glorified mistakes. Here I defer to google: Rumsfield initially defines "unknown knowns" as "the things you think you know, that it turns out you did not", and toward the end of the film he defines the term as "things that you know, that you don't know you know"
Back to this Joe Griffin fellow: In the NASB the word for the emotions is “mind, ”
which is the Hebrew noun hy*l=K! (kilyah): “kidneys.”
So the Lord says He “searches” the “heart, ” or
thought process, and “tests” the “kidneys, ” or
emotions. Both “search” and “test” are participles
in the Hebrew text, and denote continuous action.
This is true in Daoist alchemy meditation also! Fascinating.


in Quantum Theory
Rukhsan Ul Haq and Louis H. Kauffman
