What is light? | Is light a wave or a particle? | Aanand Srinivas | StayQrious

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Is light a ray? Is light a wave? Is light a particle?

I had finished that old video by saying, how you want to think of light depends on the circumstance. In the mid 20th century, Richard Feynman, Tomonaga, and Julian Schwinger came up with the most precise physical theory ever created. Quantum electrodynamics. Where they show you can explain all the experiments of light using just one model. The photon. I recommend you read Feynman's book on this - QED - The strange theory of light and matter if you are curious to actually learn what he says in it. It is a beautiful book.

Also, I edited and animated this video myself. So, I know the visuals look pretty amateurish. But I hope it conveys the point across :)
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It's awesome to see the world's best teacher back again...u defined a new meaning for the 'Indian teaching' sir...


Based on questions a lot of you have asked, one important thing to clarify - When I say Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga showed that "light is a particle", they don't mean a particle in the classical physics sense. They mean a "particle" in a quantum mechanical sense. But what is a particle in a quantum mechanical sense? How is it different from a particle in a classical sense? I am not gonna answer those questions now :)


Ohh sir! I finally found you! Thanks a lot to you that you never let my curiosity die! When I was in around class 9th I realized that somehow I have stopped enjoying the process of learning I was learning things from my teachers and textbooks but they felt like facts and burden to be remembered but then I found a teacher who was explaining things like it's nothing new! In the era when every teacher was telling short cuts and formula to solve questions fast for some entrance exam, He showed me the real beauty of physics. It was You. And now when I see back many things would have changed in me but the curiosity about physics, the curiosity of learning new things still prevails. You taught me not what to learn but how to learn! Anyways I just realized that you are not active on this channel so maybe you are not gonna read this but still thanks! 😊


Sir why did you leave byjus I actually use Byjus premium I did not knew about it but now I saw comments regarding this. You were the best teacher in Byjus. We love you sir. Please come again😔😔


Others- it's a tough chapter
Srinivas sir- let me tell the beauty of this chapter 💓...
You are Just awesome sir


Hi sir!
Wanted to *thank you* 'cause I have been *in love with Physics* all this while just *'cause of you* !❤️💙


Anand Sir 🙋‍♂️
How can I speak English like you? Am a serious fan of your frankness but when you start speaking thats make me
You are a single piece in India


Sir u say in the description of this video..that "the visuals look pretty amateurish"
But I want to tell u made the Ark, while professionals made Titanic"
Tell me if u know what I mean ! 😎

See even if u don't understand (because this is a cooked up quote), I will tell u what it wants to covey....
"Amateurs made the Ark" (Ark is the ship described in Bible, which saved soo many lives)
"Professionals made Titanic" (Titanic is that ship which took many lives)

😅😇 Oh my god this explanation is so wonderful !


Hi Sir
I am a Byjuiyte and a great fan of you. I am in 9th Standard, but the beautiful way you teach concepts makes me understand even high level concepts. Thank you for all that you teach us.


The emotion thing you said in live chat was correct, your video is incomplete without animations.take your time and give us quality content like always you do


Sir aapne byju's kyu leave kar diya...ab byju's par online physics class me bilkul bhi interest nii aa


Happy to see sir back again with a new video :)


Sir I saw you in BYJUS and I liked your teaching method so I searched for BYJUS teachers than I found your name and your this video Your teaching method is awesome sir ..


After see you in bujus I search you every where
Atleast I found you!!!
U are extremely good teacher
Nice video


What is this aanand sir thing?
Ans the thing which will make u fall in love with Physics


This is the best day ever in my life..our favorite teacher stared a YouTube channel.. because of you I scored 95% in physics In my boards..and now I am currently preparing for jee.. thanks a lot sir..


The only thing I can do is keep on learning physics for the whole time without even getting a hint of getting bored just as we feel while playing with my friends for a hours feeling as if few minutes passed.. and in this process you have been a great companion and guide... THANKS A LOT...


Hope the day comes soon when every teacher teaches like u....!!!!
Ur way of teaching is just awesome # no.1😁😁😁

Wishing to meet u day would be a golden memory...!!!

U might not know how much have u inspired children!!!
U r a gem of this country and this world....🤩🤩🤩


Sir, you are great
1.you tought in Byjus
2.You tought in Khan academy
you tought in many more places like this
I used both Byjus and Khan academy till 9th. Now I am in 10. Maybe I don't need them now


I have no words, how much does a good teacher matters in every student's life. I saw motion in byjus . I was amazed to listen the examples you gave and the questions you asked while teaching to enhance the curiosity. I just searched all over the internet that who is this man and then I found this channel. By the way you are not a good teacher, you are great teacher!!! Hats off!!! I am a big fan of yours as well as a student of yours. Please reply.
