DevOps Tutorial : Docker Networking | Docker Network commands | Custom Docker Bridge Network

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Hello Friends ,

Today we are going to learn some basic commands of Docker Network.

Docker Network Commands

List of Available network
docker network ls // Show the list of network

Create new Network
docker network create --driver [driver-name] [network-name]

Example : docker network create --driver bridge my_network
If the option –driver is not given then the network will be created as a bridge network. Else, the specified driver will be used.

Provides details for the given Docker network.
docker network inspect [network-name|network id]
example : docker network inspect my_network

Filter in inspect command. Ex. want to see the only container info
docker network inspect -f '{{.Containers}}' my_network // this command will give the information of only container running on

Remove the given Docker network.
docker network rm [network-name|network id]

Disconnects the given container to the specified network.
docker network disconnect [network-name|network id] [container-name|Container ID]

Create the container on Specific network
docker container run -d --name [container_name] --network [network_id|network_name] [imageId|image_name]

example : docker container run -d --name nginx_container --network my_network nginx

Docker Network DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System.

DNS makes it possible for us to use easy to remember domain names in place of complex IP addresses.

Containers uses DNS to communicate. Containers don’t use IP address to Communicate.

Example . Ping Nginx container from another container

Step 1: launch 2 nginx container

docker run -d --name nginx_01 --network my_netwrork nginx
docker run -d --name nginx_02 --network my_netwrork nginx

Step 2: Login to Nginx server and install ping command

docker exec -it nginx_01 /bin/bash // After executing this command you are login into nginx and execute below command

apt-get update
apt-get install inetutils-ping

Step 3: ping nginx_02 from nginx_01

docker exec -it nginx_01 ping nginx_02

Reference :


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Vry useful information sir.. It's to easy learn..


You really did do outdid yourself with this one...
Loved the precise and apposite explanation.


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Thnks and pressure
Lovely way of you're
Wating for next video
