SPEaC's 'Ask a Scientist' - What is space made of?

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For this series, real scientists from UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX are answering questions from members of the Dallas, TX community.

Today, Kevin Dean, Ph.D. answers "What is space made out of?"

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Ha ha! Cool, great answer! Thanku, I didn't know that, ..


What holds the universe together? Wouldn't that be gravity paired with low pressure atmosphere?


You are so handsome . . . By the way, thanks for informing others about me ! ! Haha ! !


Brilliant question.
It does baffle me, however, what the fabric of space is made of.
As the universe keeps expanding, what fills in the gap of space?
More space? Ok.
But, for instance, the fabric of a sheet of cloth (used in multiple demonstrations of a 2d space when explaining gravity as a distortion of space-time) is thread/ textile material. If we were to expand that fabric, what would the gaps be filled with? More thread? How(if the analogy makes sense)?
If that fabric needs to replace those gaps, it will require energy.
Is dark energy the analogous one here?
Or am I simply asking questions relevant to particle physics here and space is somehow an exception?
What is the boson to the space 'field', maybe?
Beautiful question, nonetheless.
Looking for answers :)
