Evolution of Ratchet & Clank

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Nothing compares to the first 3 ones, just lovely to play and so much fun, cant get tired of them


What I like about Ratchet & Clank is that they never lost their touch. Almost All the games are fun to play, the humor are timeless and the story in the future saga is great. It's one of my favourite game series ever.


This was the first game I ever owned. I never had a PS1. My dad got me a PS2 for xmas and R&C was bundled with it. Beautiful and easier time.


Up Your Arsenal, Going Commando, and Crack in Time were easily some of the best games I've ever played. So much personality, challenge and creativity

Rift Apart was gorgeous and cheeky but man was it too short


The Classic Ratchet & Clank Trilogy:
2:01 Ratchet & Clank (2002)
4:41 Ratchet & Clank 2: *Going Commando* (2003)
6:17 Ratchet & Clank 3: *Up your Arsenal* (2004)
7:38 Ratchet & Clank: HD Collection (2012)
The darker Ratchet & Clank Game:
8:27 Ratchet & Clank 4/Ratchet *Deadlocked* (2005)
Developed by High Impact Games:
9:58 Ratchet & Clank 5/Ratchet & Clank: *Size Matters* (2007)
10:58 Secret Agent Clank (2008)
The Future Saga:
11:48 Ratchet & Clank: *Tools of Destruction* (2007)
12:25 Ratchet & Clank: *Quest for Booty* (2008)
12:51 Ratchet & Clank: *A Crack in Time* (2009)
13:22 Ratchet & Clank: *Into the Nexus* (2013)
The PS3 Spinoffs:
13:46 Ratchet & Clank: *All 4 One* (2011)
14:12 Ratchet & Clank: *Full Frontal Assault* (2012)
The Re-Imagining:
14:38 Ratchet & Clank *Reboot* (2016) and The Ratchet & Clank Movie (2016)
The PS5 Exclusive and a Sequel to the Classic & Future Saga:
16:38 Ratchet & Clank: *Rift Apart* (2021)


Ratchet and Clank is one of my favorite game franchises. The weapons, worlds, designs of characters, the story, arenas, etc.. Wonder what will the next game will be


Really love Ratchet and Clank! Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time is still my all time favorite.


4:30 But did you know in Going Commando you can find a poster of Jak and Daxter and even better, in Jak II you can find a poster of Ratchet and Clank


Bro i swear that movie was a banger i didn’t think people hated it so much


When I see old clips of the older ratchet and clank video games I just get heavy nostalgia from playing it as a little kid. Now a teenager about to play the newest one


Ratchet & clank are technically the only old school PlayStation warriors standing the other 2 teams have hung it up


Thanks for doing this video. It's awesome. I love the Ratchet and Clank games. I grew up playing these games. Thanks for bringing my childhood memories back.


playing thru the 2016 remake rn before I play the ps5 rift apart one... wonderful to see this duo still going strong and am very intrigued with the new characters in rift apart


Honestly this new one, rift apart is amazing. I grew up in ratchet and clank games, more specifically the good ones lol like 1, 2, and 3. Also I personally was a big fan of deadlocked but sadly everyone else felt differently. Anyways when I booted up rift apart.. my mind was blown. I was in awe. The amount of progress the game had made and just what I was playing was stunning and beautiful. Ratchet and clank will always be in my top favorite games of my entire life


ratchet and clank was my childhood started through series from tools of destruction till rift apart


Dude, absolutely love Ratchet Deadlocked. My favorite game in the OG series!


Ratchet and Clank Ritf Apart is a game that blew me away and was probably the most impressive game I've seen in a while, and it's also impressive that this franchise is one of the strongest out there


I love the ratchet and clank series and alway's have since the first game was released in 2002. Some of my favorite ratchet and clank game's are ratchet and clank (2002), going commando, up your arsenal, ratchet and clank future: tool's of destruction, a crack in time, ratchet and clank (2016) and size matter's. I really wanna play rift apart I heard good thing's and it look's great so I can't wait to play it.


Flatlife, please do the evolution of Sonic. There's so much of Sonic's transformation from tv shows to games throughout 30 years of his life as a SEGA game character.


Pls make a video on sonic i know there are many evolution of sonic but i want your explanation you explanations are so clean☺️
