Am I TROLLING by playing Annie Support? - League of Legends

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Discovering if Annie Support is viable to play in Season 11 - League of Legends

Annie Support gameplay in Season 11

I will be releasing League of Legends support content everyday so be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below with your thoughts!

Bizzleberry is a EUW Diamond Support Main and streams in the evening (6pm - 9pm) on weekdays and afternoon (3pm) until late on weekends.

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I'd like to see more anivia if you get more chances 🥰


Annie and Zac support videos landing at the same time?!

I can't handle Bizzle of this magnitude!



personally i think it's a cheese pick. i've done well with Annie support just about close to 80% of the time, and this is because i don't play her very often and s10 nearly nobody plays Annie to expect and respect her damage. edit: her spells are mid-range at best so i wasn't doing much whenever the enemy did respect that and always kept their distance (predator and/or flash resolves this, yes, but you only have those once in a while)

and the one time i can say i was literally useless playing her was because i got outcheesed and enemy bot took two bruisers lmao


i played annie 2 times in ranked and it was in iron i just strted playing ranked. so i used annie cause i saw she had the higehest winrate as a sup in iron i played 2 games with her and made it to bronze annie in lower elo is so strong its ridicoulus


thanks for the annie support vid, biz. been wondering how you'd play it. also, just wondering- how do you feel about poppy support?


The e gives charges for your stun and it's cheaper on mana


I honestly don't like this build. I haven't tried her yet with the new items, but back when we had athene's she was pretty good if you maxed Q and E and went with Aery, it was a mix of AP with a bit of an enchanter. I don't know if it would be possible to try something similar with her now, maybe with Imperial mandate...? Doesn't seem so good honestly, maybe that's why her winrate/playrate as a support plummeted so much. RIP Annie sup, it was extremely fun while it lasted.


At this point you might as well play teeto support, with these titles :D Like the videos, but a bit hooked on the wild rift content on the other channel!


Could I request a Guardian Annie video? uwu


Hey there berries. Who is the target audience of that statement at the beginning of your videos? Current members?

Ever given any thought to how a casual observer, or not a member of your group, feels when they are addressed as a berry?

I haven't either, but I just experienced it and I did not think anything good. Quite the opposite in fact. Although if the audience you are trying to attract is on the younger side of 13, it might be something useful. I suspect that some people might find it cute (mostly already a part of your group), most will not care, and more than some will find it off putting. I get that you picked the name Bizzleberry, which I have no opinion about, but why must you then push that onto others? This is a classic case of misunderstanding the purpose behind branding and the correlation it has with gaining a larger audience.

It is a shame because I enjoy the content, it just always starts off on a terrible note. Hey, maybe it is because I'm educated in that field, but this seems to be something you are pursuing, and it takes a very small amount of research (you can find it with google as the first result for fucks sake) to figure out that this is a very poor strategy. This lesson was free, if you want any more I am going to charge. You are welcome.
