11 Planes That 'Don't Exist' - Darkstar, Aroura, TR-3b And More!

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According to the united states government like Top Gun Maverick, these planes you see on screen, dont exist.

Today we will be looking at all the air forces most secret or hushed away black projects that they don't want you to know about.

Everything from supersonic fighter jets, to experiemental powerful new engines, to state-of-the-art drones, and even some pretty wacky concepts like nazi ufos.

I'll let you be the judge of whats real and whats not, but watch this video quick
Before the fed boys come and pick me up for a one on one talk

The first black project was the U-2 spy plane, its still in service and provides day and night, high-altitude (70,000 feet, 21,300 meters) spy missions - for those times when satellites are not fast enough!

Next we have the very first stealth fighter, the F-117 nighthawk. Famously used in the first gulf war, this aircraft didn’t exist for nearly 10 years thanks radar deflecting design, and impossible flight surfaces. Now its been retired, with another aircraft later in this video taking its place.

This tech was then used on the B-2 stealth bomber, which today is mostly famous for flying over football games, with its top secret replacement in just a moment.

Next, have the very famous SR-71. But you probably know all about it, but back when it was in operation, it was science fiction. Built from titanium, it could fly faster than any other aircraft, impossible to shoot down, and performed missions that the u-2 couldnt do..

But thats not all, the project was so successful that a drone version and a fighter jet version were proposed. Called the YF-12, it would have been capable of the same speeds, and able to intercept any soviet bombers long before they reached the United states, or strike deep within russia without being shot down. I'll have a full video on this concept very soon, so subscribe if you haven't already!

But now its time to look at those aircraft that have never been publically revealed, and potentially, might not be real.

While many viewers might know of the SR-71 Blackbird - few know about its rival secret project, the Convair Kingfish - a spy plane that could fly Mach 3.2 at over 90,000 feet. Convair was working on designs that could fly faster and higher than the Blackbird, beat anything the Russians threw at it, and could even be used to deploy then undeveloped supersonic nuclear weapons.

Convair was passed over because unlike Lockheeds excellent proven ability with the U-2, a secret, under budget project, Convair had blown out its budget with the B-58 and lacked a secure Research and development facility like the Lockheed Skunk Works.

Next have the SR-72, also known as the son of the blackbird or sometimes, like in the latest top gun mavrick film, the darkstar.

Travelling over our heads at hypersonic speeds beyond mach 7, lies the future of spy plane technology. It can cross the hemisphere in one hour, enter any country unnoticed, and be out before their jets can even get into the sky.

This future plane doesn't need a pilot, flies twice as fast as the SR-71 blackbird, and futher develoment have rumored that it will be equiped with hypersonic missiles. And the most crazy thing is... it might even be flying right now!

In 2017 Lockheed Executive Vice President Rob Weiss commented that "We've been saying hypersonics [are] two years away for the last 20 years, but all I can say is the technology is mature" - Meaning they have the engine tech for the last 5-6 years - and if the history of the sr-71 is anything to go by, its successor the sr-72 is already flying and will only be declassifed in 20 years. Let me know in the comments if you believe this too.

But if you though the SR-72 was wild, wait till you hear about the Aroura - or the Darkstar! from Top Gun!
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i like how people get raid sponsors and we all acknowledge no one plays it & just want our creators to get paid


The SR-91 Aurora has been spotted, it has been filmed and the donut contrails have been seen, we believe it has been landing at Machrihanish airbase which is situated in a remote part of Scotland. The thing is, Aurora is actually outdated and only manages around Mach 5.5 within the mesosphere. The TR-3Bs are based (we believe) at the Wasatch Range in Utah, there are other things you can look into, Project Silver Bug, Project Snowbird, Project Redlight. It is also believed that there is a spaceplane capable of reaching 38, 000mph (25, 000mph is needed to escape Earth gravity) almost instantly and be stopped to a stationary position in 2 miliseconds. This is the kind of technology often confused with UFOs, however, that is not to say that all UFOs are secret human technology. 'There are things out in the desert that would make George Lucas envious' - Ben Rich


The TR-3B Black manta was seen over Belgium in 1990.
There are numerous pictures of it and it was sighted quite regularly.


I am just another one of many who have seen a TR-3B. In November of 2017 I watched one fly from the northern horizon until it came directly over my head at an extremely low altitude.
I was approximately 70 miles north of Malmstrom airforce base and it was headed in the direction of the base.
There was no blue dome shaped thing underneath it but I could see into the 3 orange glowing ports.
It's size is what struck me the most. I have never seen such a massive aircraft in my life.


I remember seeing some of those stealth drones in Germany back in 1992-93, during Central Fortrace, and Reforger exercises, they where only mock-ups at the time but still interesting how far our technology has come in 30 years...


that tr-3b looks like the flying thing pilots have been seeing.


I live near Whiteman Air Force Base in Knob Noster, Missouri. That's where the whole fleet of Stealth bombers are based (1:10). They are eerie. Through the years I've seen them whiz by as the pilots take them on a little training joy ride. 😊


I think the stealth bomber looks scarier than the tr3b because of it's bizzare shape if they made a giant one of those I would shit myself if I saw it hovering above my house


I don't know if the Aurora was a real aircraft but they made a 5 mile long runway at Area 51 for a reason. It's not used anymore but they had something that required a very high takeoff speed.


My family and I all saw the TR-3B way back in February 1977 hovering over Barksdale Airforce Base in Louisiana. We watched it for about 20 minutes. It slowly ascended up out of site. But it had a red light in the center back then. It didn't make any sound. It was big.


Actually the F-12 came first as an escort fighter for the B-70. The USAF realized the didn't need the fighter and the airframe was modified to make a spy plane designated the RS-71. When it was publicly announced in the 60's that the plane exist, the letters got swapped. So everybody knew as the SR-71 from then on.


Love the idea of a fighter blackbird. Gotta one up the Russian foxhound and foxbat.


11:33 looks strangely familiar...
Seen something like this like 10 years ago over a small village near Ansbach in germany.
I was shocked and disturbed seeing three individual black triangular shaped objects flying and hovering in formation.
And never I forget the orange glowing dots underneath it...
Unreal silence and manouvers... they stopped mid air and hovered only to dissappear in the night.


I've found differing opinions online as to why the SR71 wasn't ever shot down.

One version says they just out accelerated any missiles, another says it was simply because it was never taken over Russia and in the end Russia had solutions as to how to do shoot it down anyway.


TR stands for tactical reconnaissance, most likely a drone or manned aircraft used for intelligence gathering for the FBI or CIA. They've been seen with spotlights shinning down at the ground, I personally witnessed it myself twice.


I wouldn't at all doubt that a couple of these aircraft like the SR-72/Darkstar, Aurora, and TR-3B were at least experimental prototypes at some point. Seems though, that actually producing and deploying all three as active service aircraft would be quite redundant, as they all seem aimed at the same primary purpose---strategic recon. Unless any one or more of them was/were meant to also sport weapons capability in whatever manner. We may never know, or not know for several more years. The military establishment can actually be fairly good at keeping secrets *if* they *really* want to.


The TR3B have been many times in Denmark, and I have seen it over the city of Odense 👍🇩🇰


Thank you for the video! I saw and have pictures of the black manta hovering overhead while driving down the interstate. I was shocked at how silent it was and slow it was moving. The size was something I’d never seen along with the 3 lights on the outer wings which made it look like a large triangular flying object! Creeped me out!


"10/10 wouldn't recommend" -CIA


Project Aurora was in full R&D on Area 51 in the 1980's according to Bob Lazar (1989). Interestingly enough, your scale depiction of the TR-3B seems accurate according to witnesses, who stated the US has 3 of them. Each at least twice the size of a football field.
