These Clash Royale Reviews are HILARIOUS 🤣

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In today's video I'll be reading Clash Royale reviews, I hope you guys enjoy the video, subscribe for more content!

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Tribe Gaming:

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Ah, well boss, you forgot one thing. CR devs can’t read.


its sad how bascally nothing has changed from 1 year ago


New players COC: how we progress if you add new content again.
COC Dev: ok we cut the resources and time needed to progress.
New player CR: how we progress if you add new content again.
CR dev: ok, we nerf the pass, raise the price. And We add more offer. Its labeled as 10x value now


It’s sad how almost all of these are genuine.


Clash royale felt once like the new chess.
The devs kept mocking us by increasing the max level in order to increase their profits and said they do it for better gameplay.
Guess what, gameplay is exactly the same before and after an increase in max level in the long run. The only change was the cards level differences between players who pay and who don't.
Thank you Boss for being inclusive into representing all the players.


I hate how they removed the level cap on goblin queens journey. Now I can’t even push on there on my mini account


2:13 I don’t think bro was there for the days where you could drop arenas, THAT was rage inducing


Soon clash royale will have evolution champions in arena one. Requires the gilded diamond pass, you require a extra fee to reduce the trophy drop per battle from 100 to 30. Future looking bright.


I had already quit 2017 bcoz of the unfair matchmaking and I already saw the P2W environment. I played again in 2020 only to find out that it became more horrible than ever so I am not surprised this 2024. I only watch Clash Royale videos for entertainment (Boss, Morten and Molt channels). Not playing anymore and being able to watch your videos are already entertaining for me.


Been watching since freshman year in hs and now I’m going into college, love you boss 🧡


Nah cuz who thought winning 26 trophies and losing 33 trophies in a gamemode when you constantly go against opponents with cards 1/2 levels higher than yours is a good idea


What if we all give 1 star to the game .. everyone who wants the old game back give 1 star in playstore .. I can't think of anything other than this


currently doing the slash royale thing. the 20k gold everyday from battling is nice... but man when you simply don't have enough max level cards and evolutions, and are forced to use the same only 8 cards that you have max that doesn't even work well together but simply due to the levels, it's literally the greatest chance you have of winning...

yeah the game is not fun right now. I hit 9k trophy, goblin queen 4k, ultimate champion. It's not lack of skill. It's literally not having options and playing the same cards you are forced to. I have to play at least 30 battles to get 20k gold due to losing half or more.


you brought very good comments, thank you! Clash Royale has a lot to change to be a good game again. Supercell should listen to its community, simply!


TBH CR is being okay the last two months.
But we still need a more layable way to level up the cards and compete in POL or CW or even Ladder.
I will not mention the EVOs. Because its obvious.


6 months to upgrade an evo you want is insane, the fact they thought that was okay is still shocking. I had to grind my evo valk for 6 months just for it to be mediocre, imagine wasting 6 months of your time just for it to not even be worth it💀🙏


I just unlocked double evolution as a free to play and I climbed 1500 trophies in a week so I mean I enjoy playing the game because I have good levels for a lot of cards. But I see the point of all of the people not enjoying the game because it is very pay to win because of level 15 and evolutions. And also the experience difference for leveling up a card to level 14 gives you 2 000 xp but when you level up a card to level 15 it is 50 000 xp.


I strongly agree with the tournament standard card in wars. There are some little bad side to it (Smurfs). But ignore that problem imo for now or just remove competitiveness from clan activities


we get 3 evo shards from shot and 1 wild shard. if they add more 2 wild shards in challanges or path pol, it would be easier to get a whole evo


I think the game could handle either the evos or level 15. Not having both is a huge disadvantage in ladder.
