10 Things You Forgot to Pack for DEF CON

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Every year I forgot to pack something for DEF CON. This year though I made a list of 10 essentials that I easily forget. Hopefully this helps you remember something for DEF CON 30 and helps you have a better time. Thanks for watching and hack on.

Copy/Paste Packing List:
* Chap-stick/ Lip balm + Blister bandages
* Water/coffee bottle
* Earplugs
* Vaccination Card
* Aspirin / Pain medication
* Instant Coffee / Crystal Light
* Sweatshirt
* Power strip
* Swimsuit
* Cough Drops

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What did I forget that is an essential item to bring to DEF CON?


i will agree fully with you, having worked as staff at a con for a couple of years, i will say the moleskin (blister pads) are a life saver when you are walking a TON, if you buy them by the sheet, they are generally a 4x5 or a 4x6 inch sheet, and carry some small folding scissors or a leatherman wingman with the scissors, i also carry some IMC pain away tablets (they come in little sealed packets in the box), i'll try to keep at least 3 or 4 little packets on me in case someone around me has a headache and asks if i have anything for a headache, pretty good list all in all brother, i hope to make it to Def Con one year


Pants are definitely essential, so glad you got that goin for you, which is nice!

Totally not a hacker but looking forward to learning some basics this year and attending DEF CON next year ✌️ enjoy your time at camp and thanks for the tips!


Hope to see you there Alex and share with you our new DC540 Tarot Badge!


So, DEFCON 27, I totally forgot to pack ANY pants but the ones I wore into town. Thank goodness plain old department stores with reasonable prices exist about 10 miles off strip, I was able to get what I needed there! Speaking of prices 10 miles off strip - you can totally find everything you need at regular market prices if you can schedule an hour one evening to head away from the madness just a bit.


Was planning to go this year, would have been my first time and the last number would have been a multiple of 5 which makes it feel even more special😂 Flights started to become more expensive tho and now it's impossible got me :( Hopefully I can make it to defcon 31!
