Class - 12 Psychology Practical I SINHA'S COMPREHENSIVE ANXIETY TEST (SCAT) | C.B.S.E | Hindi

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Class - 12 Psychology Practical I SINHA'S COMPREHENSIVE ANXIETY TEST (SCAT) | C.B.S.E | Hindi
Explanation , administration , scoring and interpretation of Sinha's Comprehensive Anxiety Scale (SCAT) with demonstration.Very useful for Class XII practicals.
This test assesses the anxiety of the subject. The ideal anxiety of an individual should not be very high or very low. It is suggested one should strive for optimal anxiety. This keeps an individual motivated and helps them to perform in tough times. If the anxiety is too high it will make an individual dysfunctional, whereas if it is too high then the person will be stressed about those times only instead of preparing for the challenge.
Hence, the test suggests an OPTIMAL level of anxiety/ average anxiety should be there. This will lead to healthy leaving.
Explanation , administration , scoring and interpretation of Sinha's Comprehensive Anxiety Scale (SCAT) with demonstration.Very useful for Class XII practicals.
This test assesses the anxiety of the subject. The ideal anxiety of an individual should not be very high or very low. It is suggested one should strive for optimal anxiety. This keeps an individual motivated and helps them to perform in tough times. If the anxiety is too high it will make an individual dysfunctional, whereas if it is too high then the person will be stressed about those times only instead of preparing for the challenge.
Hence, the test suggests an OPTIMAL level of anxiety/ average anxiety should be there. This will lead to healthy leaving.
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