Magnesium changed my life! No joke.

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Girl Magnesium is LIFE-CHANGING. Helping me with inflammation pain in my hands and also with my generalized anxiety. Thanks for your video


I just started taking Magnesium 250mg two days ago AND FEEL LIKE A NEW PERSON. Days ago I would have this lump in my throat like I had to swallow all the time. Very annoying when trying to sleep. One day after taking Magnesium IT WAS ALMOST COMPLETELY GONE! My BP even came down and the feeling I was always in a war ( body tremors and rumblings)has gone away! Magnesium is a miracle!


I learned that it’s like a cycle. Magnesium deficiency causes anxiety, and anxiety causes magnesium deficiency. So supplementing seems to be the best tool for people that experience this.


I am with you, however my doctors have never mentioned using it. It makes you wonder if they only prescribe meds that they get a "kickback" for. I was having nerve problems in my legs for several years with burning, tingling, and cramps. Now because I use the magnesium, I don't have those symptoms anymore and feel so much better. Thanks to some doctors on You-Tube to help me find a solution to my health problems.


I was diagnosed as having panic attacks as a child. Turns out it wasn't panic attacks, waking me up at night, it was sinus tachycardia.


I’m so happy for you. I’m sharing this with my son. Thanks for telling us about your experience with magnesium.


I had the same problem with occular migraines and started taking magnesium bis-glycinate and magnesium L-threonate and it has been life altering for me.


My muscles were cramping every night and it was extremely painful. I took magnesium oxide to no avail. Switched to magnesium citrate and no more cramps starting day 1


This is very informative and thank you for sharing this wonderful video. I'm also into magnesium supplement for a about a year now and yes it's true and no joke my anxiety attacks are no longer exists and i am actually combining it with vitamin D it works for me.xx stay safe and God bless!


I have just started taking Magnesium and Magnesium transporters recently. It's really helped my sleep ... better than my CPAP machine.I only wish that I would have discovered it years ago.


Same. Mag glycinate changed my life too. Years of mental instability greatly calmed. Im loterally mad that no doctor ever tried this and had me on antidepressants and mood stabilizers with horrible side effects.


My doctor just upped my magnesium intake! I have to say between the stress, anxiety, and depression due to an injury that has left me unable to care for things and enjoy life in general and the feeling of the world crashing down around me, the mag does help! My doctor's healing expertise is also a game changer!


Great video! Your experience sounds a lot like mine. I was having panic attacks, heart palpitations, and digestive problems. Of course, all of the tests came back normal and showed nothing wrong with me even though I felt like crap. I started taking magnesium citrate and not only did the heart palpitations basically disappear but my digestive problems improved and the frequency of the panic attacks decreased dramatically. It's obviously not a replacement for getting checked by a doctor but in my case the magnesium supplement made a huge difference.


Thank you very much for posting!! I have had a very similar experience, after just 1 week of magnesium my anxiety is reduced or gone, the thoughts come to mind but the body is unaffected, also I have had freaky ocular migraines/aura in past just as you describe every 6 mo, for the last 30 years, it'll be interesting to see if that is cleared up, I suspect it will because the way my eyes, mind, muscles feel now is somehow different, less jittery kind of, hard to explain. Also I wonder if ocular migraine is an indicator that one may be prone to magnesium deficiency, i see online that magnesium is recognized as an ocular migraine treatmenr. I should add that after decades of poor sleep, i now fall asleep much much more easily, all this during some of the most stressful times in my career. Knowing what I know now I am astounded that magnesium benefits remain as "secret" as they are. I think magnesium should be one of the first considerations for anyone seeking to address depression or anxiety.


I had severe tachycardia and a friend of mine happened to be friends with a very well known cardiologist in CA and I made an appointment. I went and he asked me if I wanted ablation surgery. I said no. He said ok, then take MAGNESIUM. OMG. what? Why don't all doctors say this?


I take 500 mg Magnesium Bisglycinate +citrate every night before bed powder form. Pill did nothing for me. Also need to do Magnesium chloride spray twice a day on feet, legs, stomach, arms, neck, face. This is the best way to get magnesium into the system and keep at it until u feel better and keep it at all times. Peace


Thank you for sharing your story! I started taking magnesium today and have high hopes for it!


The medical industrial complex's failure to properly research and diagnose and treat diet and microbiome and sleep and vital nutritional deficiency issues (including those related to Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 and Magnesium and Zink deficiencies as well as iatrogenic prescription medication usage) is a major reason why psychiatric iatrogenesis is a primary contributor to the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (which is iatrogenesis in general). If the U.S. spent just a fraction of the over $40 billion each year it spends just on iatrogenic psychiatric drugs alone, for properly researching the issues discussed in this and related YouTube presentations we would probably, Lord willing, achieve an absolute revolution in medical efficacy improvement and iatrogenesis reduction.
Thomas Steven Roth, MBA, MD
Christian Minister for Biblical Medical Ethics, and therefore, Scientific and Religious Refugee from the Clinical Practice of Psychiatric Standards of Care


I had insomnia until I took magnesium glycinate twice a day now I sleep like a baby


Take liquid REMAG magnesium it is ionic and goes right to yoru cells and rarely has laxative effect. I take alot probably 800mg a day. It is great.
