The Chosen: Little James talks to Jesus scene

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i have cerebral palsy and this scene makes me bawl like a baby every time i watch it. God is using me when i don’t see it. Thank you, Lord♥️


I've been suffering from intense depression and PTSD for most of my life, since I was a child. I've cried out in the middle of the night BEGGING God to take it away, but here I am, several years of treatment, doctors, medicine, therapy, and my own strength later I have nothing to show for it.

I wondered, if God loves me, why would he not only put me through that, but not offer me relief? Then I learned, partly through this scene. I'm not being afflicted because God hates me, or I'm being punished. I'm being afflicted because God trusts me enough to give me the cup of affliction and still stick to him, to still praise him, to still love him, and to still love others even though they have hurt me.

I see so much of myself in little James. Wondering why everyone else seems to have it all together in their walks with God, and in life in general while I'm sitting here, feeling left out and abandoned and forgotten by God. Then I hear Jesus say, "You're going through this because I trust you, and because you're strong and loyal" and that just broke me. I instantly understood that if God were to heal me right now, I would have a good story to tell, although not so much in this modern world because everyone would just believe it was the doctors and therapy and drugs that healed me. But if he DOESN'T heal me, now I am a walking testimony of serving God even in spite of my afflictions, and that is a much more powerful story. I won't even have to speak for myself as to what God has done in the past, I will simply be able to tell them what I deal with and let them gaze and see how I serve my God despite my afflictions, which is a much more inspiring story to others who are dealing with some kind of struggle and tempted to turn away from God.


This show made me read Bible and became a disciple of Jesus Christ. Thank you🙏🏻


I cried Soo much many of us are asking Jesus to heal us what a powerful actor little James is 💕💔😭


Going through intense pain for 2 years +. This video really touched me. Felt like God is telling me to endure and keep trusting Him.


This scene affected me more than perhaps anything else in my 60 years. Mental health has been my burden for as long as I can remember, I felt as though Christ was speaking directly to me, giving me more understanding than I have ever had. Thank you 💕


This scene, this scene impacted me heavily. The weight of my suffering while not a physical deficiency is a heavy burden. This just wipes all of that away and reveals the truth. It’s just a little while longer then all my tears will be wiped away all the rejection will mean nothing for what really matters is what I have in store for me in heaven. Blessed be Adonai El Roi.


This touched me, I’m autistic and I have other disabilities and I’m thankful God loves me for me, although many times I question why God made me autistic? ❤ I was raped and beaten by my dad and called ugly, stupid, fat, ect. so I’m thankful I have a Heavenly Father who’ll always love me.


I have Cerebral Palsy! This scene reminded me of a conversation I had in high school with amazing and very Holy nun. May you rest in peace and thank you, Sister Elizabeth Ann


One of my favorite scenes. There's been so many times in my life I've felt weak, powerless and a burden. The message given here is healing beyond words.


This scene makes me cry every time I see it. God is so good. He knows just what we need. He also knows just what the world needs. He will make all things work together for Good! May God be praised today!


This scene with little James touched me so much possibly my most favorite scene, it hit home for me pondering my own health struggles, I was so moved and can't express my own feelings, it was so motivating and gave me such a great piece of mind, as well the joy it gave me, and dealing with daily experiences, watching this scene was so moving.


Really touching, feel Jesús was talking to me


Anyone else feeling personally called out by this scene? Just me? Can't watch it without sobbing, what I wouldn't give to be with Christ in the flesh right now. 💖💖💖💖🙏🏽


My mom and I accidentally wound up talking through this scene last night so we missed it entirely. Thanks for the upload!


Talk about radical trust in Jesus/God. This is such a powerful scene. To trust when our will (or at least when we think we know our will) is not aligning with Gods. But know He has our back and loves us. Something I need to work more on.


I have suffered from a learning diability my whole life. This seen hits so hard.


I've suffered from a medical condition for years and this scene made me cry.


Such a powerful scene. I’ve cried every time I’ve watched it.


But there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written. -John 21:25

For the benefit of those commenting this scene isn't in the bible...
The message portrayed is so consistent with God's love for everyone, I don't see any problem with it. It's a powerfully touching scene which many of us, who have ever had to deal with a painful or incurable disease, can identify with.
