10k Subscriber Q and A - Channel Update

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In celebration for the channel reaching 10k subscribers, I decided to do a Q and A video, where I answers questions from my audience related to the channel, command and conquer and gaming in general. Timestamps for questions are posted below.

00:00 Opening
01:09 Why don't the GLA have any religious beliefs, unlike the Brotherhood of Nod?
02:23 How would C&C expand into space?
03:57 What's your opinion on Red Alert 2 and 3?
05:27 Will you ever do Red Alert lore videos?
06:35 Your opinion on Kirov spam?
06:57 How crazy is Ivan?
07:10 How many more silos are needed?
07:28 Tick Tanks, what was the Brotherhood thinking?
07:43 Most areas of the planet (Earth) are covered with Tiberium. So where do people get all the food from?
08:23 What is the difference between Tiberian and Tiberium?
09:25 Do Banshee pilots really say "whoops?"
10:05 What was your most memorable moment playing C&C?
11:03 Which was the first C&C game you played? How older were you when you played it, and what about the series got your attention?
13:39 Who would when in a protracted war? The Empire of the Rising Sun from RA3, or the Brotherhood of Nod at it's peak in C&C 3?
14:22 When are you likely to address you GDI bias?
15:20 Which faction do you personally prefer to play in-game and why? Why are there Kane's clones, and where are they at the end of C&C Firestorm?
16:47 Are there different Mutants' countries/clans/societies/cultures? Could you describe the Scrin invasion with all the unseen details that were not depicted in C&C 3?
17:28 Favorite technology from the C&C series?
18:15 If all the armies and factions of Command and Conquer were to fight each other with all their technology available, who do you think would win and why?
19:49 If you could change one or two (or any number of) the fundamental aspects in the lore of the Tiberium, Red Alert, or Generals universes, which would this/these be?
22:59 What's your favorite faction across all the different C&C games based on lore or gameplay?
23:21 What are your favorite C&C games in terms of style, gameplay, and lore?
24:00 What would you want from a C&C 5, or Red Alert 4?
26:40 If you were to design C&C 4, what would the basic story be? Or what would you want included on the gameplay side of things?
27:21 If you had to pick a whole new setting for a future CnC entry, which one would you pick and why?
28:35 What made you decide to do C&C content and why don't you do more trendier topics?
31:22 Do you play any other games than C&C, if so, which do you enjoy most?
32:23 With the success of the remaster of the OG C&Cs,do you believe that will spawn new one?
33:08 What are the next videos you have on your list to post? What is your favorite faction for each CnC game?
33:49 What was your reaction of your channel reach 10k subscribers? Who is Kane?
34:25 Are you planning to make a video on subterranean units and how many more lore videos will of the C&C series?
35:37 Do you like milk? Also, favorite voice line from C&C Generals?
36:10 During your first play through of any game, what mission made you anxious or gave you fear sweats?
36:46 Will you cover other game worlds/universes in the future?
38:22 Closing thoughts

All music used in the video comes from the various Command and Conquer games and is composed by Frank Klepacki.
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Posting timestamps for each question here in the description. Also apologies for the weird audio levels in this video. Was trying out a different mic setup. Should have most of these issues cleared up for the next video.

01:09​ Why don't the GLA have any religious beliefs, unlike the Brotherhood of Nod?
02:23​ How would C&C expand into space?
03:57​ What's your opinion on Red Alert 2 and 3?
05:27​ Will you ever do Red Alert lore videos?
06:35​ Your opinion on Kirov spam?
06:57​ How crazy is Ivan?
07:10​ How many more silos are needed?
07:28​ Tick Tanks, what was the Brotherhood thinking?
07:43​ Most areas of the planet (Earth) are covered with Tiberium. So where do people get all the food from?
08:23​ What is the difference between Tiberian and Tiberium?
09:25​ Do Banshee pilots really say "whoops?"
10:05​ What was your most memorable moment playing C&C?
11:03​ Which was the first C&C game you played? How older were you when you played it, and what about the series got your attention?
13:39​ Who would when in a protracted war? The Empire of the Rising Sun from RA3, or the Brotherhood of Nod at it's peak in C&C 3?
14:22​ When are you likely to address you GDI bias?
15:20​ Which faction do you personally prefer to play in-game and why? Why are there Kane's clones, and where are they at the end of C&C Firestorm?
16:47​ Are there different Mutants' Could you describe the Scrin invasion with all the unseen details that were not depicted in C&C 3?
17:28​ Favorite technology from the C&C series?
18:15​ If all the armies and factions of Command and Conquer were to fight each other with all their technology available, who do you think would win and why?
19:49​ If you could change one or two (or any number of) the fundamental aspects in the lore of the Tiberium, Red Alert, or Generals universes, which would this/these be?
22:59​ What's your favorite faction across all the different C&C games based on lore or gameplay?
23:21​ What are your favorite C&C games in terms of style, gameplay, and lore?
24:00​ What would you want from a C&C 5, or Red Alert 4?
26:40​ If you were to design C&C 4, what would the basic story be? Or what would you want included on the gameplay side of things?
27:21​ If you had to pick a whole new setting for a future CnC entry, which one would you pick and why?
28:35​ What made you decide to do C&C content and why don't you do more trendier topics?
31:22​ Do you play any other games than C&C, if so, which do you enjoy most?
32:23​ With the success of the remaster of the OG C&Cs, do you believe that will spawn new one?
33:08​ What are the next videos you have on your list to post? What is your favorite faction for each CnC game?
33:49​ What was your reaction of your channel reach 10k subscribers? Who is Kane?
34:25​ Are you planning to make a video on subterranean units and how many more lore videos will of the C&C series?
35:37​ Do you like milk? Also, favorite voice line from C&C Generals?
36:10​ During your first play through of any game, what mission made you anxious or gave you fear sweats?
36:46​ Will you cover other game worlds/universes in the future?


I would be intrested in a cnc4 fanfic lol


"KANE LIVES" Yup best moment in video games. Young me was god damn so thrilled and happy to see Kane back and absolutly facinated by the Tib universe.


There were Red Alert missions on the Moon. Specifically one mission where Yuri colonized it and you send cosmonauts and apocalypse tanks to clean up the traitors.

EDIT: Time travel is the integral plot device of Red Alert; Red Alert is, above all else, a story about time travel. You can't make another RA game without time travel being the core story element.


Totally agree, Kane's Return in Tiberian Sun was my absolute favorite cutscene of the entire series.


I think most can agree that the kane lives scene will always be the most iconic scene of the series certainly made a follower of nod out of me glad this channel is doing well great content


Yay! So happy to get mentioned. And what an awesome response. To sort of answer the question my question brought up; yes, I think C&C deserves to have an ending, thus why it sucks that Twilight is the ending we got. However, if EA wanted more money, I think Red Alert would be the only option to keep going with. I think a RA4 could actually be decent if handled well. For Tiberium it would probably have to be a whole series reboot.
Great video, and I hope you get to 50k real soon!


10:35: Oh I'm so with you on that one. I recently told my mother (75 years old) about this game because she asked me about strategy games and CnC is basically one of the genre-defining games. I showed her a couple of cutscenes from all the games. She did reconise James Earl Jones right away and was really shocked about the whole Tiberium thing (half the explanatory videos I showed her were your lore-guides which she absorbed as eager as I played the games). But when I showed her that precise scene, her jaw dropped.


I'd like to see the Tick Tank revisited, as that's a concept that can work. Not as a main battle tank, though!

Also, I'd totally be down to watch you theorycraft a better C&C 4, you could potentially do a "speculative lore" side-series on how you'd lay out the story, factions, units...


This channel is absolute gold, love all of your CnC contents


I first played the original Command and Conquer.
I was at an All-a-Dollar here in the US. And I found the Demo CD and bought it.
It was only the first 3 missions, (I think). And I played through them constantly.
My dad found RA 1 on eBay, and then The CnC Collection was released. RA2/YR, Renegade, TibSun/Firestorm. I think the Generals demo was on there too.


If you want to play as the Forgotten, there is a mod for C&C3 that adds the Forgotten as a faction, with a 5 mission campaign. There are live action cutscenes as well, its a tremendously well made mod, that feels like something natural in the game. Would definitely recommend checking it out!


Please do your Fanfic version of how you woulda done the Command and conquer 4 story with the appropriate illustrations to go with it...I mean even if you do not happen to have the artistic chops or interest to produce too detailed of an art format (not saying you don't of course as I dunno how much of an artist you happen to be!) ... Stick-figure Kane is always fine too.


Tiberian is an adjective, it describes a property of the word after it. Tiberium is a noun, the name of an object. I guess the most common problem people have with this is the titles of the games, tiberian dawn, tiberian sun, and Tiberium wars, but in the last case "wars" is actually the adjective, as it refers to the wars over tiberium.


Hey, the darker side of GDI you mentioned - in Tiberian Sun I also noticed that General Solomon, who was the heroic leader of first Tiberium War pretty much threatened NOD puppet leader, General Hassan with assassination if he would not eliminate Slavic, and therefore become useless to GDI. So there is definetely a bit of CIA thing going on in GDI. So yeah, you're observation about GDI not being the stereotypical good guys is spot on!


"For GLA it's the rebel"
Worker: Bro, why


Never stop making C&C lore videos. I love them all!


The reason i Subscribed long ago is your Quality.
I Like No String Prd. He also has good Content.
TG makes funny and experimenting RA2 content
& at least Stu makes good RA1 content.
But you have the most quality based Content. Its not boring to look an 30min Video about F...king Tib. Flora and Fauna.
And you like what youre doing.
Im exited what will be next. an Kane Lore will be cool.

greetings from Germany :D


My favourite faction? GDI for gameplay, Nod for their lore :)


The story of the C&C timeline always confused me until I played every game in the franchise but after seeing everything this was the conclusion I had always came to. Whether or not it’s right is something else but whatever.
-Red Alert 1 is the “oldest” point we see in the branching timelines and there are three timelines in total.
-The Soviet ending to RA1 led to the Tiberium Universe while the Allied ending led to the rest of the RA Universe.
- (Purely speculative) Generals was the first timeline from the original one Einstein created RA1 with his time travel stunt.
-Dr. Thrax doesn’t use pure anthrax but instead infuses it with Tiberium. (Listen closely to some of his voice lines and compare it to Tib lore.)
-Generals could also be a Tib Universe without Kane though it could easily be a universe in which Kane pulls the strings from a more subtle position in the GLA
-C&C 4 is non-canonical because are you seriously questioning my logic in that one? Okay gameplay, horrible storyline. P.S. Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on a remake/retcon of this one.
