No AI could possibly predict the ability to throw that all League players have in them dreamyeeter
No AI could possibly predict the ability to throw that all League players have in them
Even this AI couldnt find a way to get caedrel to top 6. mohammadelhajj
Even this AI couldnt find a way to get caedrel to top 6.
As soon as I saw Quickshot I knew it was gma be some meme stuff, I love this 😂 Lets jailbreak it! DAN qontroL
As soon as I saw Quickshot I knew it was gma be some meme stuff, I love this 😂 Lets jailbreak it! DAN
I cant wait for LCSPT. It'll fire nukes as soon as it gets access to all the historical LoL data. PathSythe
I cant wait for LCSPT. It'll fire nukes as soon as it gets access to all the historical LoL data.
lol how subtitles wrote Hans Sama nick: 2:48 Han salmon 2:53 Han summer LeonArtys
lol how subtitles wrote Hans Sama nick: 2:48 Han salmon 2:53 Han summer
I always appreciate a reference to "Do androids dream of electric sheep" akahari
I always appreciate a reference to "Do androids dream of electric sheep"
4 minute LEC production > 4 hours LCS production SquirrellyOtter
4 minute LEC production > 4 hours LCS production
The nod to the Leeroy Jenkins meme "Recurring of course, " had me dying XD hipposrus
The nod to the Leeroy Jenkins meme "Recurring of course, " had me dying XD
loved it, just how it fell in love with hans sama Khichira
loved it, just how it fell in love with hans sama
That drakos shot at 3:55 giving off serious dexter vibes. mikelytou
That drakos shot at 3:55 giving off serious dexter vibes.
"0.03 percentage points... Recurring, of course" Hahahaaa that's great. I wonder how many people got that Leroy Jenkins reference ZZubZZero
"0.03 percentage points... Recurring, of course" Hahahaaa that's great. I wonder how many people got that Leroy Jenkins reference
Now that's the cringe I've been looking forward to ! falinestixiaolong
Now that's the cringe I've been looking forward to !
we need lec to be telecasted Friday, Saturday and monday sks 😢 abiyellow
we need lec to be telecasted Friday, Saturday and monday sks 😢
0:26 LEEROY oh god he just ran in. stick to the plan. pookiemush
0:26 LEEROY oh god he just ran in. stick to the plan.
Thought this would be a Portuguese (PT) announcement for the LEC 😢 kazeshinin
Thought this would be a Portuguese (PT) announcement for the LEC 😢
They could have given me that PC and destroyed my potato instead. gbujiemarvelous
They could have given me that PC and destroyed my potato instead.
i think if an AI downloaded all the solo queue data from league it would want to end humanity entirely ceciliamusic
i think if an AI downloaded all the solo queue data from league it would want to end humanity entirely
Feeding it solo que games would lead to it spitting out slurs PostalXD
Feeding it solo que games would lead to it spitting out slurs
Quickshot looking abit like that guy from Green Street, and i don't mean Elijah Wood. Malcil
Quickshot looking abit like that guy from Green Street, and i don't mean Elijah Wood.
I though it was someone about PortugalXD pedroalmeida
I though it was someone about PortugalXD