Heatwave Engulfing The West Coast

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Heatwave Engulfing The West Coast
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I hear that planting more trees & some bushes can knock the heat off, saving 15°F or more on the temperature scale every year...


I know my A/C is working overtime... going to hate that bill.


Get used to that heat... Gore told you this was coming 30 yrs ago and you ignored him.


Man this is something else ..prayers to everyone going thru it this year


9 PM here in San Antonio still 100 outside. 🥵


All time highs last summer in Oregon 115 So far this year unusually wet and cool so far Normally I'd be complaining but we have been in a droght Summer before last the fires came within 5 miles of burring our town down . Unfortunately several towns around us burnt to the ground. So I'm good with the rain


I live in Paradise. No snow, no drought, no hurricanes, no tornadoes, no wild fires, no mass shootings. Never even colder than 54F, never hotter than 87. In the mountains of Costa Rica. We also have Freedom unlike the oppressive US


Id love to swap for a couple of days. Had 2 weeks of thunder, hail, snow and winds, and no end in sight. Indeed a rotten winter in NZ. Everything is sodden. Getting webbed feet.


Oceanside CA, 70 high, 58 low ♥️ no air conditioning bills, no heating 😘
Home to Marine Corp Camp Pendleton ♥️🇺🇲


PNW is complete opposite we only had five days over 70 this season


Here in Portland we`re having the mildest summer ever. We have yet to reach 80 degrees


My state of California sent out an email stating if they needed us volunteer citizens to cut back on certain peak days, they would notify us and if done give a bit of credit to the utility bills. Sounds great until like another day of 105-107F. Live inland from the beach and way much hotter. The beach only 25miles away. Even cancelled out with my daughter on a store's grand opening sale today with awesome deals. It was 80F by 9am. Advised my daughter not worth a sale if the hot tires blow out on a hot road. We had run errands last week, heavy traffic and a semi next to us, blew a tire. Frightening moment in her van as the truck driver ended up doing a great job taking his unit with a heartbeat of a swerve into our van and my daughter bracing the wheel to maybe if needed swerve away from it. And we have already witnessed cars on the side of the road with blownout tires from this heatwave...we each are staying home. She has kids and I have a cat. Am not going to take up that off grid offer from the state. Last night, our power unexpectedly went off. Am in a Block50 due to senior apartments in the area. Plus as some of my electricity comes from the apartments flexible solar panels. If a rolling blackout we are exempt or the last to go without power. But for nearly two hours our power was out. I do power off almost everyday with phone banks I charge up at night(cheaper rates) and leave the fridge on. In extreme heat, like this heatwave, I power down to several portable fans strategically placed and to give the monster air conditioning a few hours relief. Bur it two hours time, my 75F that held strong by the air conditioner with reportedly well insulated walls, jumps to an uncomfy 80-83 and sometimes 85-87F. I have two cats, one is elderly so I refrigerate their food plates and food and add plenty of ice to their water. They seem to be doing well as it is only a few hours summer routine already established. They are aware of once off peak at 9pm, I will run the air conditioner but it takes hours to bring that temp back to 75F and these heatwave nights best to keep the air flowing inside and windows closed. Not much of a chance of any bay breezes and it will just risk getting much hotter. Not complaining. Summer is summer. Was glad it was early evening yesterday when the entire electric power system went down, even the solar panels which my portion does not pull too much just basically a bit of discount on the monthly bills. It did end up almost a Dry Run of getting my battery operated flashlights and my solar deck lights off the windowsill from charging and readying them up as nightlights and flashlights. And being patient yet gearing up for a possible few days(?)wait of survival to kick in. Mixed blessings. It got super hot very quickly and I am glad my place decently cooled off before the entire grid went down. Even though I will probably grumble when I receive the electric bill but thankful that I do have it even though I use any of my electric at a minimum bur health comes first and no heat exhaustion issues I want to deal with in my home.


I'm in Colorado to me it was hot 🔥 today


Isn't Elon Musk opening a big tesla plant. Wondering if the heat will affect the decision


NOT the entire West Coast. In Seattle we’re still getting rain and cool temperatures in the 50s.


Many westerners visiting or even living in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places in south China often complain about the hot weather in these places. In fact the summer temperatures in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places in south China is around 32'C day high and low temperature of 26.5'C during night time and these westerners are complaining day and night that it's unbearably hot in Shenzhen and other cities. Even during cooler spring time when the temperature hits 27'C westerners are complaining it's unbearably hot.
Now in their own countries, the temperature hits the high of 50'C and above !
It's 20'C above what they experienced in China. Will they complain and migrate to the North to escape the hot weather ?
Actually high temperatures are not rare in southern Europe, the US and Australia. Why do these people complain so much about the hot weather in southern China that's actually milder compared to their own countries ?


This report sounds like it was made last year at this time. That was when there was a "heat dome". The Pacific Northwest was then suffering unheard-of heat. Not so in 2022.

Yes, it's hot in California, Las Vegas, Arizona. It's always hot there at this time of year. This report shows 106 degrees from who-knows-where. But that is the average daytime high in Phoenix throughout most of the summer. There are other cities even hotter. I really think the reporting here is poor. Someone should learn more about the climates they're reporting on!


110 here in Palm Springs, CA, normal for mid-June. Horridly hot, but not a heatwave, and it often gets much hotter. Note: Death Valley is not a city.


Expected to reach 66 F in Portland, Oregon tomorrow (June 14).


Last time I checked, Houston was not on the West coast.
