Unbelievable: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Review 1 Year Later!

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The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has been out for a year now and here are my thoughts on it. Having the S22 Ultra for a year has really shown me how far along Android has come and definitely has me considering making Android my primary phone over Apple.

What are you thoughts on the S22 Ultra? Do you have the S22 Ultra? Or did you get the S23 Ultra? Or do you have an iPhone?
Let me know in the comments down below.

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I've had mine for about a year now. The beginning was a little bumpy, by that I mean animation was a little choppy and battery wasn't great. But after updates and now on the new one ui 5.1 my phone feels brand new! The animations are way smoother and my battery has also improved. Overall Im going to keep my s22 ultra for another year👍


Love your video about the S22 ultra. I love my s22 ultra. I've had it for 6 months now. I love the screen size. The s-pen. I'm not too much into the camera. But going to start using it for vlogging. I have to learn how to edit from this phone, too. No lag, battery life is awesome, in my opinion. No, I will not be upgrading to the s23 ultra. I'm going to use my phone till I can't use it anymore.


Man! You deserve more subs!! Your content checks all the boxes of what a gadget review should be!! Ill be getting my S22 ultra hopefully this week. Thanks for this review, you helped me in choosing S22 ultra and ditching my 12 pro max 😂😉


I have both IP 13 PM and S22 Ultra. To be honest the S22 ultra is much more easier to use than the iPhone. It's so comfortable and the s pen is useful for work. However I feel so confidence with Iphone durability and its security. I love them both.


Very great and natural video I also have the S22ultra 128 and for a reason or another the memory is no issue for me at all i still have like 50 gb and with the cloud services nowadays it's easy to save space on the phone one thing though i'm using this phone without a screen protector i got tired of buying new ones because of the edges but yeah for now i'm not changing phone


Great video man. I also have the Phantom black and I went with the 12-gig version. You might have been happier with this version as I've had no lag, especially with all that you do on your device. You can also do what's called ram boost where you can use any additional storage that you have to boost the ram so that in your case you can go from 8 to 12 or 16 gigs of ram. That might help. Now, I'm a firm Note user since the Note II which is why I have this device. And that SPen has so many features that I use daily. With that said, nowadays you can't go wrong with either flagship. Again, you nailed it. Liked and subscribed.


I love the shoutouts to other creators like techtalktv and John Hill! Skate culture and tech mix super well plus the s22 ultra is a dope remix to notes of the past keep up the good work and maybe let's see more like this! 🤘


No matter what device (phone, tablet, computer) restarting it whether once a week or so is good practice to keep the performance in tip top shape because you're clearing the cache and blah blah


Watching this on my samsung S22 Ultra ❤ loving it so far❤🧿


Very enjoyable and informative review ! You covered up everything ! i am a happy owner of S22 Ultra user 12GB/512GB ! Only 2 things i wish it has : ir blaster and charge at 120watt ;) You got a new like & sub ;)


Great 👍🏿 video, Brother! I love the way you presented the items and your personality. You have a new sub! Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I'm on a note 10 and just got it and I the curves! I haven't seen the note 20 in person but feel like I wouldn't love it bc it doesn't have the curved edges. If I couldn't have a note/ultra I'd still go with the s10 bc of the curve


Got my S22 Ultra (12GB/512GB) yesterday and I love it to bits. The screen is gorgeous, and it seems to go on forever. This is a huge phone!


Damn good video, bro. I'm sold. I'll be getting my S22 ultra soon


I absolutely prefer my s22 ultra over my iPhone, theirs nothing wrong with camera and I'm more than happy with battery life but I will say I've never been with out an iphone since the 4s best of both worlds I suppose.


Late November 2023, 1 week after UI 6 update for s22u, on my specific setup, apps and usage, I get almost same battery life as on UI5.1, which is at least 6h SOT over 2 days. 7h SOT in one day with medium to heavy use.

Tho the speakers on the s22u are garbage compared to my s23u. They both seem very similar from day to day use (same use), but the battery life is 10h sot on s23u and the speakers are lively and rich, compared to s22u speakers which are distorted after 70% and not lively at all. But they are decent. Definitely better than anything a budget phone has.


I passed up the new pixels for an S20 and an S22 ultra. Love it!


I really love edge style displays too. I used to own S7 edge and S10+. They both had it. Now I own S21+ and it does not. I really miss it. It makes everything look a little bit like 3d. It's unfair that I must buy the most expensive Samsung these days to have it on Samsung device.


I went from an iPhone 12 pro max to s22 ultra being a iPhone user for many years and dabbling in android from time to time it's a breathe of fresh air and now with the android 14 update recently it's far and beyond the phone I originally received almost a year ago


with current 8/8 sale a refurb s22u 512gb is around $600 in my country..should i wait till shops sell it for $400-500?
