Happiness 💜

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Sharing Moment 138 (1) 👉 oct '23

"My lifebook in creation as a deliberate creator" 💜 "I am always who i am" 🦋

🦶 BAREFOOT is my LIFESTYLE : I am 100% barefoot always and everywhere already for more than a year now 🦶

Taking the first step by yourself 👊

Making NEW habits 👏

Walk BAREFOOT with me 🦶

Sharing moments in my life to help myself and others, we are one 💫

Go, Flow and Grow with me 💌

New challenge for me, doing what i did not before 🙌

🧚‍♀️ My life has (and still is) very intresting changed in the last 4 years and i find the courage now to share my life and all my growing processes more, to let you see that every body can transformate by yourself 🧚‍♀️

🤗 The last 4 years my life style has changed allot but i did not filmed this because i did not no how precisely, i thought it was not possible because it was so much for me and my family, but that is not true i know now, life is always changing and you need to take the moments every day because you can not go back, live in the now is more my thing now 🤗 (Here,' years ago, i was starting to wear less shoes!)👊

🍀 So i am (and we all are) stil changing in every moment, so now it take the chance to share, because i do not want to think the same as 4 years ago like "If only I had"... 🍀

🌠 I let it flow how the video's will go 🌠

😌 Enjoy my journey but more your own 😌

💞 Much love and blessings Eunicea 💞

🌈 If you want to learn more about WALKING BAREFOOT, MEDITATION, MAKING HABITS, LU JONG, CACAO, MINDFULNESS, LIFE EXPERIENCE... if you are ready to want me to help you to create a positive, healty, good mindset and a happy, peacefull life? 🌈 👉 Mail me at 👇

#MindfulRunning #PresentFootsteps #ConsciousStrides#BarefootAdventures #RunningFree #MinimalistRunning #HealthyFeet #FootStrength #BarefootRunning #NaturalRunning#EmbraceTheEarth#livenow #blogger #bloggerlifestyle #barefoot #barefeetlife #doit #breathwork #breath #loveyoga #yoga #barefoot #barefoottraining #barefootwalking #barefooting #barefootmindset #barefootlife #barefootgirl #walkingbarefoot #healingjourney #healingenergy #healing #healingfromwithin #mindset #mindsetiseverything #mindsetcoach #mindsetmatters #noshoes #breathworkhealing #breathing #naturalfeeling #naturalfeets #nature #naturalfeet #connectwiththeuniverse #connectwiththeearth #connectwithnature #connectwithsoul #connectwithme #selfcare #selfhealing #selfhealth #selfhealingjourney #selflove #selfrespect #selfrespectstatus #lifestyle #trusttheprocess #trustyourintuition #yoga #mentalcoach #meditation #newhabit #lifestory #vanlife #stayfocused #knowledgeispower #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #manifest #theuniversehasyourback #manifestingmagic #highvibelife #askbelievereceive #affirmations #highvibetribe #powerofthemind #manifestationmagic #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibe #soulalignment #manifesting #spiritualevolution #highestself #empathlife #raisethevibetribe #highestgood #manifestingmiracles #mentalcoach #meditation #newhabit #loveyoga #challenge #manifestingmagic #highvibelife #askbelievereceive #affirmations #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibe #soulalignment #manifesting #highestself #empathlife #raisethevibetribe #universe #trustyourself #changinghabits #changingliveseveryday #speakfromyourheart #letgo #eathealthy #reallifestory #reallifeexperiences #postitvelife #positivity #feelingisthesecret #happiness #creatorofyourlife #lawofattraction #positivethinking #positiveenergy #smile #healingjourney #heart #hearttouchingstory #lifechanging #lifechangingstory #healtyhabits #healingenergy #healingjourney #healty #flow #flowstate #binauralbeats #binauralbeatsmeditation #binauraltones #binauralbeatssoundtherapy #binauralbeatsmusic #binauralaudio #highereducation #higherselfhealing #healtyhabits #healtyfood #healtyfood #momlife #momblogger #momyoutuber #spiritueleontwikkeling #spiritualawakening #lifeasiknow #lifeasamom #motivationalspeech #motivationlife #liveyourbestlife #eathealthy #intermittentfasting #compliments #havesomefun #courage #selfcourage #familyvlog #travelfamily #lifeinbalance #lifeinbelgium #highfrequencywords #highfrequency #retreattalks #retreatsong #retreatyourself #goodmusiconly #goodmood #goodsounds
#omniovenrecipe #homemadefood #homemadecooking #homemaderecipe #naturalfood #cacao #cacaoceremony #healyoursoul #healyourheart #healyourhearthealtheworld #MindfulLiving #PresentMoment #MindfulnessPractice #AwarenessJourney #MindfulEveryday #ConsciousLiving
#InnerPeace #MindfulMovement #MindfulAwareness #GroundConnection
#HealthyFeet #NaturalSteps #FreedomFromShoes #FootStrength #SensoryWalking #BalanceBarefoot #EcoFriendlyFeet #MindfulStrides #BlootsvoetsLeven
#GrondContact #GezondeVoeten #NatuurlijkeStappen #VrijheidVanSchoenen #Voetkracht #BewusteStappen
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