| The FV4005 is Balanced | Rikitikitave | World of Tanks Console | WoT Console |

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There's a lot of talk around whether or not the Era 1 FV4005 in @WorldofTanksModernArmor is balanced. I personally do not think it is unbalanced or out of place. I think it is fine just where it is and in this video I explain to you why I think this.

Rikitikitave - World of Tanks Console Channel

Twitter: @RikitikitaveWoT

Say what you want man I do think it's a little op and a little too agile for its size.


I agree the 4005 is fine, I don't have one but they don't bother me cause I know they slap hard but they get slapped even harder because there armour is rubbish. They force you to make choices as well, do I drive out in the open after a tank and risk getting one shot by an Fv or do I stay put and let it go? .


Dear god they still have that horrible UI and HUD, that new crosshair I couldn’t get hey… and I played this game since it’s release on the 360 back in what 2014 I think, 2014 to 2018 or 19 which ever it was was the best time of this game, I wish I could go back 😢


4005 can outrun, or at least keep up with some of the lights. That doesn't seem right at all. It's way too fast


The 4005 is strong no doubt. But the real issue is, the starter tanks health is too low, and that's it. If they all had 1800-2000 HP no one in that era would be one shoted. Hell some of those tanks are actually good, it's just the health that holds them back. What is OP is the ammo cost for the standard and h.e rounds 200 silver for 1100 dmg ROFL.


I am sorry. Respectfully, nobody needs to be one shot constantly while learning a game or game mode. The argument might fly somewhat if the 4005 was era 2, and in fact, I think it should be slightly buffed and moved to era 2. But it isn't. It is in era one and is the seal clubber's delight. Whether it is technically OP or not, it is an aberration in game play, it is a feels bad experience, and you really don't learn squat when you have your new tank removed from you in one shot from across the board. There is no counter play to that other than to hide, and that doesn't teach you how to play against literally every other tank. The fact that you need line of site with it makes it slightly better than arty. However, IMO Arty should never have been in the game. It performs the exact opposite function they claim it I there for, and again, feel bad mechanics are not good for any game, video game or otherwise. Challenges are good, but good challenges are good, shit challenges are still shit. 7 shots of HE in an M26 are really sketchy if you are only shooting at 1 4005. One mistake against the 4005 you are dead. They can screw up 7 times and still not be dead depending on your RNG. The Barn will bounce shots, and HE will low roll. You MIGHT bounce a shot of the FV but you probably won't, and most certainly won't bounce the second, and there is no way you will get all of your shots off clean during the reload. WOT is a game where the best players exploit broken game mechanics and the game quickly becomes un-fun for everyone else. Which is a big contributor to why I end up taking more breaks from the game than I do playing it.


If you look at the MoE requirements, you realize that this tank is in fact OP and a statistical outlier. It is not only the hardest tank in all of Era 1 to mark, it also is head and shoulders above 2nd place.

The average damage requirement to 1-mark the tank in 2nd place, the M103A1, is 3560.
The average damage requirement to 1-mark the tank in 10th place, the FV107, is 3239.
This is a avg dmg difference of 321. The top nine most competitive tanks in Era 1, not including the FV4005 at #1, all land within 321 points of average damage per match from each other in terms of 1-mark requirements. They are quite arguably balanced.

The 1-mark requirement for the FV4005 is 3929, which is 369 points above the M103A1 at #2. The FV4005's 1-mark requirements are farther away from the M103A1 at #2 than the FV107 at #10 is. Hell, the 4-mark requirement is 566 points higher than #2!
The FV4005 does more average damage than any other tank in Era 1 for players of all skill levels. It's overpowered, and the only reason it gets to fly under the radar is because it doesn't have carry potential, resulting in it's basic 50% winrate.

TL;DR, this tank RUINS people's games no matter who drives it, the fact that they just released the "Rock Crawler" tank destroyer in Era 2 with the same gun really tells you all you need to know. Unlike it's much more balanced WW2 variant, this tank faces BRAND NEW PLAYERS in Era 1 and almost certainly contributes to the general decline of the state of the game that many long term players complain of. A challenge is only a positive addition to the game if it's FUN, and having to try and trade HE rounds with an FV4005 in Era 1 is nerve wracking at best and a reason to just uninstall the game at worst.


Pure and simple WG put it in the wrong Era. It should be in Era 2 and would be just an average TD! It’s OP for Era 1…. If you are saying it’s a challenge to beat, then you are saying there’s no OP tank in WOT because you have to rise to the challenge to beat them….i.e 477, weisel, Avre etc. Don’t agree…Era 1 and 3 are a complete fk fest to play in because of WG incompetence of evolving the game for the better!!!


It's "balanced" yet i have a %90 WR after 81 games and higher avg damage than some of my era 2s. The problem with the shitbarn is it's just way too flexible for a gun of its size

Another thing to note is most players who play the shitbarn are bad and yolo for a single shot. But in the hands of a good player, 10k isn't hard to achieve

So do i think the shitbarn is balanced? Nope


I am so glad that im not the only one that hate and think that this tank does not belong in era 1 😂 no matter what u say riki the tank needs either get move to era 2 or get a big nerf not only me like 80% of the coments in this video agree with the same idea this tank kinda ruins the experience in era 1 for most players


Have to disagree completely. This tank is OP for what it is going up against. I’m constantly facing 2-3 of these per enemy team. They can hide very well and also fast for what it is. And it does so much damage per shot to low tier tanks you get such shit games you can’t progress. Having the game being a constant uphill battle for new players is not fun or enjoyable. 1v1 you might have a chance but let come to reality how many times are you gonna be 1v1. I’d have fun if the team wasn’t full of these 4005. Having 75% health gone in 1 hit and loose a track and then hit again before I can’t even fire my second shot isn’t not a fun challenge


Its also pure cancer when 4 or 5 of them are on each team. The amount of people i see who have 3 marks on them is ridiculous.


It’s routine to see 1-3 per team because players gravitate towards strong tanks. The MOE requirements are high if not the highest of any ERA 1 tank. The fully upgraded mobility is too good. Top speed too high, reverse speed too high, stealth value too high for super tall box TD.


going to try to remember the he ammo next time. I wrecked one of these just moments ago in my 101. The 4005 is invincible against auto aim. It's target practice if you can hit the broad side of a barn.😎


Definitely OP it should be in ERA 2 along with the FV107.


Not balanced in cw in my opinion. They just rock crawler in era 2. Op for 1


It is OP, ruins the game and needs nerfed. Let’s not talk about that there are 7 of these per team.


Riki, now that you've grown as a person since this HORRIBLE take, you should remake this video man. NOBODY agrees with you on the comments section for a reason, this thing is horribly unbalanced and the reason I completely skip era 1 altogether


I have run this tank a lot. I will admit it is OP as it currently is once fully upgraded. It should not get that last engine upgrade that makes it so quick. Tone down the mobility by just 10-20% and it would be balanced. With its currently mobility it just gives it too much flexibility to evade retaliation shots.


Love ❤ this upgrade, everybody moaning about it being op when it has zero armour, massive reload, and a massive target making this thing slower and in era 2 it would be destroyed in 2 seconds which will make people mad and they will buff it up hugely and then you will come back again moaning this video is true out play be smarter.

after looking at the stats of era 2 tanks I think it would fit in well but if that comes true and they give it rockets 😂😅
