Digital Voice Ham Radio Q&A (DMR, Yaesu System Fusion, WIRES-X & DSTAR)

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Jason KC5HWB Ham Radio 2.0 is joining us today to talk about digital voice ham radio. Feel free to ask questions via the chat and our voice call in system.

Mail: P.O Box 5101 Cerritos, Ca. 90703-5101. (If your send me something PLEASE include a name or something you want me to give a shoutout to!)

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New guy here looking to get into ham for the first time ever. I know a little about radio frequencies and propagation from my Navy days, but I'm trying to learn about the radio digital world. Thank you guys for your information, passion, and effort! It helps a lot!


I wore my usb cable out programming my first dmr radio. I was watching videos explaining what did what. I would then enter the id's, tg's and zone and move them around then write to radio. I kept doing this over and over until it started making sense. I gave up very early trying to program a local repeater. I made sure i got the deal with my radio ryat included pistar hotspot. I found it much easier to program my radio to hit the hotspot and how to connect to talk groups and change them from my radio.


Awesome video, keep it up guys
I had to build my own code plug but it was fun learning it.


DMR is actually taking off because the radios, especially the Chinese radios are cheaper (less expensive) than the others. So, just like with the analog Baofeng radios, it is easier for the new broke ham to get into. Especially younger folks who want to get into the hobby but don't have $500 to $2, 000 to spend. It also depends on what you are wanting to do with the radios. The back data channel on D-Star can be great for emergency communication work when you can send texts, files, photos, emails and forms via the radio. System Fusion can do some of that to a lesser degree. Analog can do packet and HF digital modes. DMR would be great for tactical nets, voice only. So, look at what you are interested in doing. I actually have all three.


DMR does not divide the 12.5KHz frequency. That would be FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access). DMR is using TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) by dividing the full 12.5KHz frequency into 30 millisecond chunks, and alternating back and forth between them, giving you two timeslots. DMR repeaters can be configured to reserve 1 timeslot for data use only (Text messaging, GPS, etc) but I have not seen this done on amateur setups yet, only on commercial deployments.
Also, you cannot use two timeslots in DMR simplex, as there is no repeater to sync two alternating timeslots up. All DMR simplex channels are programmed using timeslot 1.


Black Tuesday is one of my favorites along with Chocolate Rain.


This was educational, thanks guys... A92GW AE1TP 73s BTW, enjoy both ur channels.


Awww dangit i missed it again. Took my tech yesterday and passed. Just waitin for call sign now.


Love the beer and radio. My wife has been getting me all different types of dark beers...stouts etc. Every week I participate in a net and enjoy a nice craft beer and some radio. Good stuff


Fusion question: in DN mode on gps equipped radios, your position/location data is transmitted unless turned off in the menu. Since it seems like it's sending a pretty specific location, I opt to turn it off. Is there a way to turn on a position ambiguity like in APRS? Or if you have position ambiguity turned on in your APRS settings, does that also apply it for when using DN mode?


Realize this is older, but on the DX question, it's really a matter of goals isn't it. If you want to talk to people in other parts of the world, but you A) don't want to spend HF equipment money, B) you live in an urban environment that won't allow antennas for HF, then repeaters are a tool to let you accomplish what you want. If your and F1 fan, and you want to talk to someone in Bahrain the week of the race, a repeater is a way to do that, and it appears that DMR is a more focused way to achieve that goal.


Oof.... I'm a techy type of person, but man oh man... lol this has shown me I am NOT ready for the world of digital. (Unless I want to spend $600 at least) I'll figure out an analog shack then re-start this journey. For now it's the 'feng and G90!!


Is the only reason you recommend Allstar over Echolink because of sound quality - like you mention in the video? The way I look at it, Echolink has an iPhone app while Allstar does not ... big points for Echolink. What am I missing?


M17, new digital voice mode in work! (May 2021)


Why didn't Yaesu throw in DMR as an additional mode into their C4FM Fusion radios? Isn't DMR a rather open standard? This would make their radios much more attractive.


awww....i missed your live stream, oh watch the saved stream! :)
Mick (Australia)


But you are still in California; so, you still got that goin for ya?


I live in a apartment - 3rd floor. Where underground parking has 7' clearance. Antenna limitations ?

2. I need two equipment - one at home and one in truck. I am mostly in remote forest roads where there is no cell service - how to communicate back home ?
Please help !


Can I use Yaesu ft5dr for DMR or would I need to get an AnyTone radio as well.


Hi good video.
One question. ! Does DMR digital radio work when internet shuts down on earth.
If i buy couple of DMR radio can i Encrypt those sort of speak privacy. Talk group. And when internet shuts down in the world. It will still work. Does DMR use rasdio repeater antena? Or internet.
Thats my bigg question for preppers.?!
