Demi Lovato - Anyone (Juan Geck) | The Voice of Germany | Blind Audition

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Juan ist ein ALLSTAR! Er war bereits 2017 bei "The Voice of Germany" und kam bis in die Sing Offs. Nun möchte er eine zweite Chance. Er will seinen Lieblingscoach Yvonne dieses Mal mit "Anyone" von Demi Lovato überzeugen. Doch nicht nur Yvonne & Stefanie drehen sich um!

Seht euch hier die Performance von Juan Geck zu „Anyone“ von Demi Lovato an!

Jubiläum bei "The Voice of Germany"! 2020 geht es schon in die 10. Staffel. Die Gesangsshow wäre aber nichts ohne die spektakulären Talente und die engagierten Coaches, die nicht nur alles geben, um die Sängerinnen und Sänger für ihr Team zu gewinnen, sondern auch, um mit ihnen gemeinsam den Siegertitel zu erkämpfen.

In diesem Jahr ändert sich jedoch etwas: Es gibt mehr Coaches als in den Staffeln zuvor und nicht nur einen, sondern sogar zwei Doppelstühle. In der Jury: Rea Garvey, Samu Haber, Mark Forster, Stefanie Kloß, Yvonne Catterfeld und Nico Santos sind die Coaches von "The Voice of Germany" 2020 und stehen den Talenten der Jubiläums-Staffel zur Seite.


#VoiceOfGermany #MarkForster #ReaGarvey #SamuHaber #StefanieKloss #YvonneCatterfeld #NicoSantos

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When you‘re having a bad day, remember, someone had to go on stage after him.


voll süß wie yvonne ihn nach dem ersten Ton erkannt hat aww


Was für ein geiler Auftritt, hammer gesungen.


Die Jury in den Singoff’s: “dU zeiGST niCHT genUG geFüHL” Auch die Jury: Heulen fast alle bei der Blind Audition


Yvonne und er diese Bindung einfach und wie sie geweint und ihn erkannt hat ist so unglaublich süß


Das war ein richtig krasser Auftritt, er hat eine sehr schöne Stimme und wird mindestens ins Halbfinale kommen. Mal schauen, was dann passiert.


You dont just sing ANYONE by Demi Lovato if you haven't gone through a lot in life. This guy really poured a lot of emotions into the song.... Beautiful rendition ❤️


Dieser Auftritt war die schönste Performance, die ich je in einer deutschen Casting Show gesehen habe.


So traurig, wie sich Menschen nicht mehr nahe kommen dürfen. Man merkt erst jetzt, wie sehr ausbleibende Umarmungen zeigen, was dann fehlt. Wohin bewegt sich unsere heutige Zeit. Die Emotion im Song spiegelt das irgendwie wider


English subtitles for international fans:

Yvonne: I have to, I have to.
Stefanie: Do you know him?
Yvonne: Juan.
Juan: Thank you.
Yvonne: Oh no, I can't hug you... That's Juan. Wow, did you see how you impressed everyone here again? How you made everyone cry... buzz... go crazy? You're unbelievably good and... we have a history together: Juan used to be in my team.
Juan: Do we now?
Yvonne: Yeah, do come a little closer to me. I know we have to keep our distance...
Nico: Sit here! Come and sit here!
Stefanie: Yeah, see - we're keeping our distance.
Yvonne: It sucks that I'm not allowed to hug you.
Samu: Hey hey. How are you?
Stefanie: Juan, I was incredibly moved, I believed every word you said and I felt every word and until now I rarely have come across a singer who is so honest and just so... genuine. That's sheer madness - honestly. Wow.
Juan: Thanks. Ah, now I'm close to crying again, too.
Stefanie: Sorry. Really, I... eh... and you were on Yvonne's team before?
Juan: That's right. 2017 in the seventh season.
Stefanie: Oh, awesome! And how far did you come?
Juan: To the Sing-offs. I wonder why...
Stefanie: Why?!?
Yvonne: No, well, I have to say that this was one of the hardest decisions I had to make and I really struggled with myself afterwards... for months after - you know it. We just had such a damn fine team and it was hard. But I always thought that it was a mistake, probably. And somehow I always used to picture you in the finals, as well.
Samu: I just thought: "What the hell are you doing, Catterfeld?" Really. Cause you are incredible. What do you think?
Rea: Pff, please.
Samu: I was there. It was without a doubt, always.
Juan: Thank you so much. Thanks.
Samu: It's awesome that you're back. Super super cool.
Juan: Thank you.
Rea: Can we - can we just start over? Can you go back there and...
Juan: Yeah.
Rea: Okay, and you were here 2017?
Juan: That's right.
Rea: And you were in Team Yvonne?
Juan: That's right.
Rea: And she kicked you out?
Juan: That's right.
Rea: Okay, good. Now we -
Yvonne: Yeah, did we all get it now?
Rea: Well, I just -
Nico: Wait. What - what did she do?
Rea: She kicked him out. So...
Nico: Right.
Samu: And you were so great, so good -
Rea: Too good.
Juan: Thank you.
Rea: Now, I'll honestly tell you right now: the two of us here are ready to fight tooth and nail for you. Because we saw and heard... you sing so much from deep within your soul. I'm not able to cry as easily as Stefanie, but inwardly I did cry. Some people you have to control and with some people you just have to let them sing... and with you our only job is to let you sing. That's magic, it's a blessing and I am...
Juan: Thank you so, so much. Thank you.
Nico: If I get to say something, too, ehm... you're a star and you're going to - after your journey here - you're really going to make it far. And I already know that I will listen to your songs - not just as a fan - but also as your former coach. If you're going to come in my team...
Mark: Juan, since you're here on The Voice for the second time... are you thinking: "Well, now I'm on Yvonne's team again, no question, and the others can talk till they're blue in the face as much as they want" or do we have a shot?
Juan: You definitely have a shot...
Mark: I swear, from the very first words and notes you were singing, I most definitely knew that you were you. And I really do believe that Yvonne made the wrong decision back then, because you definitely were a candidate to potentially win...
Rea: Yeah.
Mark: I'd really want to take you to the finals.
Juan: Thank you.
Yvonne: I completely get what all the others are saying and I get that we're all fighting for you. Of course, I would fight for you again, as well. But of course you don't know who will be in the team at the end, who will have to go, and how good the others are. So, one cannot promise now that you will be in the finals - that I would not - I just couldn't...
Rea: Well, we promise to get you to the Live-shows! If you're in our team, you're in the Live-shows.
Nico: Me too! I'd do that, too.
Stefanie: Look, can I - can I just say one more thing? Because I'm just so glad to be back here and that I get to experience this...
Juan: Welcome back.
Stefanie: And before you decide... do not just think: "Well, I already got to know Yvonne, now that's...", but rather see it as a new set-up. Now, I think we could say a thousand more things - I would love to know what you're thinking and what's going on inside you...
Juan: I - I'll think aloud for a second: well, I was in Yvonne's team, I think Stefanie is incredibly interesting - I was really moved just now -, Samu you were my first choice back then...
Samu: Just like today. Together with Rea - that's 'double trouble'...
Juan: That's right. Two are better than one! Nico does some very interesting things... Mark, as well. You're all great dudes... ah, ok, I have to decide.
Stefanie: Ok, I just have to stand up, I'm quite nervous.
Rea: No! Sit down, Stefanie!
Samu: Just let him decide.
Yvonne: I'm afraid of what you're going to do now...
Juan: I'm afraid of what I'll do now, too.
Rea: Juan, do the right thing.
Juan: Thank you all so much for turning around. Yvonne, Steffi... Yvonne/Steffi.
Stefanie: Really? Really? Seriously?
Juan: I'm sorry.
Samu: You didn't say it. What does that mean?
Stefanie: Is that your decision?
Rea: No no no no sit down!
Stefanie: Didn't you say?
Juan: Yes.
Stefanie: I'm so excited to get to know you.
Juan: Likewise.
Stefanie: It's so great, it's really...
Yvonne: Look how - she's totally... I've never seen her like this.
Juan: Thank you.
Stefanie: We're going to have a great time. I'm very much looking forward to it.
Juan: I hope I won't be sorry, madame.
Yvonne: You're not going to.
Stefanie: No. No way. Give it up for Juan.
Juan: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Stefanie: See you soon.
Yvonne: See you soon.
Samu: See you in the Sing-offs. They'll kick you out.
Nico: Stealdeal! See you at the Stealdeal.
Stefanie: There won't be anything to steal.


if he hadn't cut me open with his voice, his cheek bones would have done it.


The Voice of Germany ist echt wirklich ne tolle Sendung. Also so qualitativ. Nur sehr gute Sängerinnen und Sänger, keiner wird blöd bloßgestellt. Hier hält man die Quote mit Qualität und Talent. Ich weiß nicht, was hinter der Bühne abgeht, aber es wirkt wirklich wie ne wirklich tolle Sendung. 👍🏻

Edit: Was ich auch total vergessen habe zu erwähnen, die Band ist auch immer wirklich klasse. Die Versionen hören sich immer so toll an, dass man sich darüber aufregt, dass es keine im Studio aufgenommenen Vollversionen gibt.


Wie kann es sein, dass so jemand noch keinen Plattenvertrag hat? Ich verstehe die Musikindustrie nicht.


Niemand der schon mal im Team Yvonne war würde sich gegen sie entscheiden, da sie einfach ein toller und ehrlicher Coach ist! Juan ist mega talentiert, tolle Range und Riffs! Toll, dass er wieder dabei ist.


Schon irgendwie komisch wie viele Leute meinen dass Yvonne sich damals falsch entschieden hat. Hier ist nämlich gar nicht zu sehen dass Juan im Einspieler vor seinem Auftritt gesagt hat dass er 2017 in den Sing Offs aufgrund einer Kehlkopfentzündung stimmlich angeschlagen war und es sehr wohl nachvollziehen konnte dass Yvonne sich gegen ihn entschieden hat, er selber war mit seinem Auftritt ebenfalls nicht zufrieden. Bin auf jedem Fall gespannt wie weit Juan diesmal kommt, ich halte übrigens nicht viel davon wenn Mark, Nico oder Rea leere Versprechungen machen von wegen dass Juan bei ihnen fix in den Live Shows oder im Finale wäre. Yvonne ist wenigstens ehrlich wenn sie sagt dass man solche Versprechen nicht machen kann weil man nicht weiß wie gut die anderen Kandidaten sind.
Rea und Samu haben mit Matthias sowieso schon einen bärenstarken Sänger in ihrem Team, von daher sollten gerade die beiden lieber vorsichtig sein irgendwelchen anderen Kandidaten gegenüber solche Versprechen abzugeben....


Hab gehofft dass er ein Allstar ist 😱 Diese Staffel ist schon richtig geil


Er war der beste heute! Krasse, einzigartige Stimme und symphatischer Typ! Wünsche ihm nur das beste für diese Staffel! <3


Stefanie: "Er hat gesagt er findet mich interessant.😊"
Ich fands so geil.. hahahahahaaa.. gsd ist er wieder dabei!!


My God Germany, you have the best season of The Voice I’ve ever seen. Nothing but soaring respect from the U.S.


7:00 "Nico macht natürlich sehr sehr interessante Sachen. Mark..auch."
Jaja xD
