2-Hour Study With Me | Quran recitation | Lofi Quran With Rain | pomodoro 50/10

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Hello everyone!  😊

I hope you will enjoy this 2-hour study with me.
Pomodoro 50/10 - Quran Lofi + Rain 🌧

We're going to follow the Pomodoro Technique as usual. If you’ve never done Pomodoro before, don’t get freaked out by the fancy name. It’s really simple. 💁🏻‍♂️
How it works:
There are two study sessions, 50 minutes each, with three 10-minute breaks included.
Focus as best as you can during your study session because we'll be resting in just a bit. It will get easier the more you do it, as your brain can be trained to focus for longer periods as you study consistently, so don't give up! You can do this:
Additionally, because this is a no-music SWM, if you feel like it, you can always add your playlists in the background or loFi streams, for example.
✧・゚  At the beginning of the study sessions, make sure to:
Turn off anything you're not going to use to study.
Have your materials ready to go.
- Have drinks and food ready so you don't have to get up to go get necessities.
- Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish during the session (i.e., choose a task from your to-do list).
 during the breaks:
- stop working as soon as the timer hits, even if you're mid-sentence.
Make sure to get up and do some simple stretches.
- refill anything that needs to get refilled
- talk to friends/update family
✧・゚ at the end of this video:
if you want to continue studying, give yourself a longer break and you can repeat this video!
you're set to go! ♡

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3-Hour Study With Me | Quran For Study | Quran recitation | pomodoro 50/10 | Lofi Quran
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2-Hour Study With Me | Quran recitation | pomodoro 50/10 | With Rain ادرس معي مع صوت قرآن
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3 HOUR STUDY WITH ME | Pomodoro (50/10) | Rain Sound For Study | Deep Focus
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2-HOUR STUDY WITH ME ON A RAINY DAY | No Music, Soft Rain | Pomodoro (50/10)

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#studywithme , #studypomodoro , #study #studyquran

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Study with anwar , 2 hours study with me , real time study with anwar
تلاوة قرآن ، ادرس معي مع صوت القرآن ، ادرس معي مع صوت المطر ، مؤقت زمني ، ادرس مع انور ، يوم ممطر ، صوت المطر ،

Study with me , rain study, pomodoro, night study
2 hour study with me ,
50/10 lofi lofi rain
Рекомендации по теме

6-Hour Study With Me | Quran recitation | Study with me quran | pomodoro 50/10 | Rainy Day 🌧


to everyone who is reading this, please pray for me to pass my exam❤


At least now I can do my work without listening to music, and it's the best way to get over music addiction. Thanks hope to see this kind of vid with Quran lofi


For anyone who reads this comment, may Allah make all our affairs smooth and easy. Aamiin.


To anyone who wonders the reciters name it’s (Salm alruily) and the surah is surah Maryam
And jazak Allah u xair brother


Listening this in 10 days of Dzulhijjah. May Allah put his barakah for us


ادعولي طالبه سادس علمي وتعبت حرفيا دعوه الغريب مستجابه😭


"وَإِذَا قُرِئَ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ فَٱسْتَمِعُوا۟ لَهُۥ وَأَنصِتُوا۟ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ"
"When the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and be silent, so you may be shown mercy"


So glad I found this. I recently reverted (Alhamdulillah) and I'm actually studying more about to how to be a good Muslimah as a teen. So this really helps me concentrate without getting distracted. Thank you! May Allah give you many blessings!


كلنا نستغفر الله, استغفر الله و أتوب إليه <3


بجيت لأن هاي السورة جنت اسمعها و بمرة من المرات جنت اسمعها وبنفس صوت القارئ حسيت اني راح اجيب معدل ١٠٠ وراح ادخل كلية طب بس بالاخير طلع معدلي ٧٩ وعندي مادتين دور ثاني وان شاء الله اجيب بيهم اثنينهم ميه علمود يصير معدلي ٨٥ والله يوفقني وادخل جامعة الحمد لله على كل حال


to everyone who is reading this commment please pray for me to pass my exam for teaching


هذا الفيديوا صار إدمان جزاك الله خيرا🤲
أدعوالي ان انجح في شهادة البكالوريا هذه السنة 🤲🥺


وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا …. اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا


Pretty sure we have to listen to the Quran attentively whenever we hear it. "So when the Qur'an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy." (7:204)


Honestly, please pray for me to pass with a high average. There are 12 days left for the exams 💔😔


Please everyone who's reading this Pray for me to pass my finals with good grades 🤲💗


Ramadan Mubarak, currently studying for my exams wish me luck!! <33


Assalamu alaikum…those who are reading this comment plz pray for my good carrer… i’m studying medical science but there are many hurdles which are lacking me back… please keep me in your prayers… in sha Allah i want to prove myself and become a best version and make my parents proud of me🥺…….

It is said that…. We can’t say who’s prayer can get accepted…


شفت قناتك بالصدفه وصراحه ما شاء الله قناة هادية لابعد حد
ادعولي ان الله يوفقني وينجحني واجيب معدل 100% وادخل طب يارب 🤍
تذكروا دائماً قوله تعالى: ‏﴿فَاسْتَجَابَ لَهُ رَبُّهُ﴾ وبالتوفيق 🌷🌷🌷🌷
