java 8 interview question | built in functional interfaces in java | Java 8 new features | okay java
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java 8 interview question | built in functional interfaces in java | Java 8 new features | okay java
What is functional interface (S.A.M.)?
A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method (Single Abstract Method)
A functional interface can have any number of default and static methods
@FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure an interface can’t have more than one abstract method
What is built-in function interface?
Java 8 provides several in-built functional interfaces that can be used when creating lambda expressions or method references.
Predicate / boolean-valued function
The Predicate interface has an abstract method test which gives a Boolean value as a result for the specified argument
The Function interface has an abstract method apply which takes argument of type T and returns a result of type R.
What is Consumer
The Consumer interface has only one single method called accept(). It accepts a single argument of any data type and does not return any result.
What is Supplier
A Supplier interface has only one single method called get(). It does not accept any arguments and returns an object of any data type.
What is UnaryOperator Interface ?
What is Predicate Joining ?
Join multiple predicates and apply on same input data
When evaluating the composed predicate, if first predicate is false, then the other predicate is not evaluated.
When evaluating the composed predicate, if first predicate is true, then the other predicate is not evaluated.
What is Function Chaining?
1. Java 8 new features
2. Java 8 functional interface part
3. Java 8 functional interface coding
4. Functional Interface prior to Java 8
5. Default methods in interface
6. Default methods Diamond Problem in java 8
7. Java 8 lambda expression
8. Lambda expression variable scope interview questions
9. Java 8 predicate functional Interface
10. Java 8 function interface
11. Java 8 consumer functional interface
12. java 8 supplier functional interface
13. Java 8 method reference
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What is functional interface (S.A.M.)?
A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method (Single Abstract Method)
A functional interface can have any number of default and static methods
@FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure an interface can’t have more than one abstract method
What is built-in function interface?
Java 8 provides several in-built functional interfaces that can be used when creating lambda expressions or method references.
Predicate / boolean-valued function
The Predicate interface has an abstract method test which gives a Boolean value as a result for the specified argument
The Function interface has an abstract method apply which takes argument of type T and returns a result of type R.
What is Consumer
The Consumer interface has only one single method called accept(). It accepts a single argument of any data type and does not return any result.
What is Supplier
A Supplier interface has only one single method called get(). It does not accept any arguments and returns an object of any data type.
What is UnaryOperator Interface ?
What is Predicate Joining ?
Join multiple predicates and apply on same input data
When evaluating the composed predicate, if first predicate is false, then the other predicate is not evaluated.
When evaluating the composed predicate, if first predicate is true, then the other predicate is not evaluated.
What is Function Chaining?
1. Java 8 new features
2. Java 8 functional interface part
3. Java 8 functional interface coding
4. Functional Interface prior to Java 8
5. Default methods in interface
6. Default methods Diamond Problem in java 8
7. Java 8 lambda expression
8. Lambda expression variable scope interview questions
9. Java 8 predicate functional Interface
10. Java 8 function interface
11. Java 8 consumer functional interface
12. java 8 supplier functional interface
13. Java 8 method reference
14. Java 8 optional class
15. Java 8 stream pipeline flow
16. Java 8 stream api operations
17. create java 8 stream
18. stream api - create java 8 streams
19. java 8 stream api- range v/s rangeclosed
20. java 8 stream api - filter | collect
21. java 8 stream api - map function distinct | filter
22. java 8 stream api - flatmap
23. java 8 interview question - sort employee list using stream api function
24. java 8 interview question - built in functional interfaces in java
25. Create Immutable class in Java
26. what is a web service ?
27. Watch Introduction to Microservices 08.50 Minutes
28. Watch Microservices components in one video 20 Minutes
29. Watch How to Install Spring Tool Suite on Windows Machine
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