MrBallen Podcast | Episode 'The Missing 411 (Part 29) ' (PODCAST EPISODE)

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3 missing people found in locations that make no sense #mrballen #mrballenpodcast #truecrime #history
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When I was a kid my parents decided to raise us off grid. Now this is way before it became trendy. My brother and I were free to roam the rivers and mountains from sun up til sun down. We had senses that most people don't- and can't even believe when I tell them about it. We were never afraid of bears or cougars (except one winter there was a cougar that screamed all night for a few nights across the river). That was Then one would come to the tree house my dad built for us kids as my cousins would come and stay over the summer. There was a ladder and the boys would pee down it at night out of fear and laziness, I guess. Well, that cougar would come and regularly scratch up the tree next to the ladder, marking its territory. But, more than that- we didn't have a phone or electricity. We used kerosene lamps, wood for heat, bathed in a big tin tub with water heated on the wood stove. The only electrical thing we had was an old "ghetto blaster" that ran on D batteries and we were huge (and still are) music fanatics. It was a cassette player lol. But what I'm trying to finally get at is that whenever people would come to visit they'd just show up. But my brother and I always knew- ALWAYS- that we'd be getting company and we'd be so excited wondering who it would be. Many of my parents' friends had kids our ages so it was always very exciting to know that we would be having friends show up. Many times we would just know who it was that was coming. Our intuition was something that we knew was real and something we relied on and didn't question. At the time I was ashamed of how we were raised because I wanted to be like all the other kids. Going to the mall, using a curling iron, watching Nickelodeon and playing Super Mario Bros. Most people that knew how we lived assumed it was because we were dirt poor. But that wasn't the case. My dad was quite an extreme personality, but I am so grateful that he didn't take the easy way out. He expected things from us. We had to work. We learned what humans are capable of. Now I am very grateful for all of the luxuries that I can enjoy- running water- hot whenever I want it to be; electricity, easy food sources, yada yada yada. But my goal is to hopefully sell my home when I retire and use the equity to buy a plot of land in Oregon, near where we grew up, and live the way I did back then. I sure wish I would've been able to raise my kids that way.


My husband is a firefighter in Utah near where Gage Wayment was missing. He was part of the search party trying to find Gage. They were all so shocked by how far away little Gage had wandered-I remember my husband had no judgment for the poor father. He said he was the most devastated person he had ever seen. Total tragedy. Every parent does things that could result in a child being harmed, even the best parents.


That Native American tracker is probably the best tracker in the world.


I’ll never understand why any parent would leave their children alone in vehicles or let them walk off by themselves 🤦🏽‍♂️


All they have to do is listen to Mr Ballen to know you always look where someone shouldn't be.


When my brother was 2, my grandmother took him to the cemetery where she’d go often to put flowers on my great grandfather’s grave (her dad). From his grave, the driving path or whatever was about to grave spaces away from
The road (not sure of the proper term if there is one). She left my brother in the car in his car seat, with the doors shut, and the a/c on. She said she looked away for a second, and suddenly my brother was outside of the car standing and the car was rolling away. No one could figure out what happened. This was in the middle of the day. And my brother didn’t have the language skills to properly answer. I have t thought of this in years. I’m now in my 30s.


The child (Fay) who went missing from the car - you said 'pushed the lock down manually.' Did the car also have central locking? In the early days of central locking, a remote key fob could open other cars of the same model. An opportunist with a similar model could unlock it remotely, grab the kid, and relock the car as they left. When I was a kid travelling in a coupe (a car with only doors in the front), I didn't fold the seat. I simply stepped through the gap in the middle. You could snatch a child through that gap in most cars without having to fold a chair. But yes, very weird that she travelled so far and that she turned up completely unharmed.


I was about 9 when my mom locked me in the car with my nephews, aged 5 and 3, to go shopping. She told me to watch them and stay in the car. It didn't take long before we got bored and left the car. Don't leave children in vehicles. They WILL find a way out. Do you like to be locked down?


I have the ballen theme song as my ringtone on my phone 😂😂❤

Anyone else notice how common it is for these missing people to take off their shoes and pants and fold them neatly before vanishing? What’s up with that. So many of these stories share that detail.


Hypothermia causes people to make bad decisions such as " I'll climb up here to get a better view and figure out where I am". It also causes people to think they are overheating and when they are actually freezing to death but they remove their clothing.


A little known fact, lots of RVS use the same locks so in essence, one key will give access to several different makes. That's why I changed the locks on my RV


That last story was horrible. I understand the guilt he had but why unalive yourself when you have 4 other kids at home.


The message I get is NEVER go hiking or camping or hunting in a deep forest.


The very common theme with the first 3 stories? Found body fragments at High elevation, in remote areas, seemingly uphill when knowing not to do that, remains and clothes all found miles away from where they should’ve been. Several theories spring to mind for me.


Hi, I have no Idea where these Children went but...Why oh why do parents leave their children in a Car alone??


What the hell is up with these parents leaving their kids locked in vehicles alone.


There is some weird shit going on in our national


Honestly, I think the kids just opened the door and climbed out, and then started walking....probably in the wrong direction.


I think they left Faye home alone sleeping when they took the baby to the hospital and she woke up and went looking for them and they didn’t want to admit it. I think that the majority of adults that lose kids clean up the story of how long they left them for, where they left them, how far they went, etc, intentionally or sometimes unintentionally to cope with the stress and guilt
